The Law of Forgiveness Revisited
Greetings Discourse Readers
Sometimes in my personal study "I Am" reminded of a need to practice for myself a cosmic principle and often some friend, family member or acquintance will spur me to re-investigate a deeper truth. So, I was inspired to meditate and then write about the Law of Forgiveness.
So this week I want to revisit the principle of Forgiveness.
In our daily committment to truth we go about confessing how spiritual we are, how loving we are, and especially how much we love God and how much we love truth.
However, one of the founding principles of the I AM Discourse is not Just Talking about LOVE, but Love In Action. GOD in Action. This is one of the Deeper Meanings of THE I AM PRESENCE. For GOD in Action is Love in Action.
Love in Action manifests itself as the Law or Principle of Forgiveness. The Law of Forgiveness is a Vibrational Frequency that you can tune into, affirm, and meditate on.
This means that when we DECIDE, WHEN WE MAKE THE SERIOUS DETERMINATION to not allow ANY Discord, Disharmony, Anger or Resentment to our spiritual circle we are affirming mentally the truth of our being. The I AM Presence. " I Am the Guarding Presence, maintaining and sustaining my mind, my body, my home and my personal affairs.
So What is Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the transmuting law of loving and letting go of some past hurt, painful memory, negative or discordant experience between you and your fellow man or woman. The Law of Forgiveness is often best applied when we Forgive OURSELVE AS WELL. I love the Affirmation, "I Am the Cosmic Christ Law of Forgiveness and Transmuting Flame that Annihilates all Enharmonious action. I love this affirmation because it is a divine reminder of the Perfect Practicioner of this principle "Jesus The Christ" and it reminds me of power of transmutation.
Making the Transition
Making the transition to forgiveness once we make a conscious determination to forgive, requires giving up something we are holding against the other or remembering that the other is a Christ Like Being just like us. Forgiveness takes practice, it requires a conscious and consistent effort to not dwell on the past. Affirm, Meditate, Pray
This does not mean we are to continue to entertain activities or experiences that would allow us to be vulnerable to further hurt or discord. But it does allow us to reclaim the Emotional Energy that ties us karmically to that person through holding onto resentment, anger, jealousy, or any enharmonious thought. Emotion is Energy in Motion, and Energy follow thought.
So today I Am Forgiveness Acting Here, Casting out all Doubt and Fear, Flooding forth forgiving Grace
To All Life in Every Place.
Have a Glorious Week.
ciao Atiba
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