Determination and Will (from the book Ascended Master Instruction, Ch11 Excerpt)
St. Germain
Invocation: Thou Mighty Infinite Presence, "Thou All Sustaining Power in the cosmic whirl and in the life of the individual. Thou art the only "Presence" and Energy. O Thou Mighty Light, close us with Thy Mighty Radiance that we may shine forth like the great Sun, to heal, to bless, to enlighten all with whom we come in contact, and manifest Thy mighty Sustaining Power. Silence and bring it into subjection the outer self and activity that would spread its shadows in the Presence of the Light.
We take a stand with firm determination to walk, to live, to be thou mighty "Presence" and light. We give no quarter to the human or outer self that would interfere. We recognize, claim, and accept only that Mighty Radiant "Presence," thou mighty sustaining wisdom and strength to lead us forth on the path way of life -- ever upward and onward, ever sustained by thy mighty "Presence" until the last we have attained I gift of dominion over the outer self and enter into the temple of light.
The Discourse
Instruction: I regret that you have not understood the importance of being in bed by midnight, so do certain work might go on at those hours. It is important that the body be impressed by midnight. Certain work is accomplished in; tremendous work has been planned and cannot go on without the fullest cooperation -- and I'm sure you are glad to do that.
Obedience: In all activity of life the highest attainment without obedience may fall to the lowest. In the beginning when the divine became lower to the present density, it was due the lack of obedience. Unless you can feel this willing, joyous obedience, it is not possible to continue this work. We are glad to give assistance. I will give you help the strength to help you obey. It is only because of love for you that we want you to hold this condition for the work. We cannot use any of our force to compel.
Use it everyday: "Today, I will stand guard; and I will not become so interested in the outer activity that it will not give me opportunity to receive the great radiance of the "Presence." God, government and sustain me in the governing and mastery of the outer conditions."
Determination and Divine Will: one of the greatest and mightiest simple truths is to know that an unyielding determination for any specific accomplishment is a doorway by which the inner strength flows out to its accomplishment.Inner our present activity, I think it is very well the student should understand that what has always been termed "will" by the instructors, is but determination to hold to the light and that ever sustaining "Presence."
I have observed so often that like many other expressions used, the word "will" is not understood.
There is only one will that can be used and that is the divine will. If we take a firm, unyielding determination to accept nothing but the mighty Presence of God and that activity of the light, we are drawn into powerful action the divine will. However I think it is much more readily understood by using this term "determination," for that cannot be misunderstood.
This is I am sure will help greatly the students to come under this radiation. There is only one energy that can be used, and that is the life principle and individual, which is God's energy.
Please understand: therefore when individuals aim, through the attention and determination, to use this energy constructively, then they have entered into the fullness of the outer activity that will loose the inner activity to do the work. Student so often unknowingly drop into the mental attitude that they of the outer have to do certain things, when the true activity is but to keep the attention centered upon that mighty inner God power which is the only "Presence" that can ever achieve any permanent results.
The certain victory: the conscious use of the Decreeing (using affirmations and calls), backed up by the conscious determination, is and invincible power and cannot be interfered with when the determination is held unyielding. Everyone knows what "determination" means, leaving no wavering or questioning in the mine. But to most people the word "will" these a particular sense of vacancy in the consciousness because of the uncertainty of just what it means and individual’s activity and use. I want this to be very clear and definite, for it is the stumbling block over which many trip.
The Difference between Human and Divine Will: so few, even among students, can distinguish between what is called the human and the divine will. Therefore, we think it much better when referring to the inner activity, to use "divine will" -- and "determination" were referring to the outer activity. This explanation will make it impossible for confusion to accumulate in the mind knowing that the outer determination to do accomplish something, Opens the inner door for the Inner Power to rush forth to its fulfillment -- this removes instantly all uncertainty that it can be done. This is so important to the student who wishes continuous, definite progress.
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