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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last Reincarnation of Moses Part II (Lord Ling)

Blog Readers. With great care and thought I Am publishing Part II of The Last Reincarnation of Moses Transcription. It is on a most challenging subject for me That of "Maintaining happiness."

First for more background on Lord Ling formerly Moses read the Post entitled the Last Reincarnation of Moses, Lord Ling (Part I on my site) In it I include some historical notes given by The Summit Lighthouse on his incarnations and information never revealed about the his journey out of Egypt and the trials he suffered with the Children of Egypt in the desert.

Happiness and maintaining integrity, honesty and being authentic is for me not as easy for as simple reading and meditating on his wonderful words. I have many contradictions, moments of fear, indecisiveness and yet I still maintain a sense of happiness. I remember to smile. For the day will come when we see the great Pure Light. This I know even as I struggle with this noble idea of perfection.
That being said I joyously strive again today to harmonize with the Christhood that is my inherent Gift from the Great God that is the source of all things. Each day I strive to balance more than 51% of my karma as I prepare for the Ascension. Each day I watch my emotional self when tried by the slings and arrows of people who remind me of what I need to work on. I offer you the Teaching of Happiness, remember it is a process of living happily.. joyously ...moment to moment. 1.Focus, 2.prayer-meditation (making the Violet Flame Calls), Loving and Forgiving and 4.Correcting your path again and again. So enjoy the words of Lord Ling as you strive for the Perfection of the Middle Way.

Part II

Beloved Lord Ling
through the Messenger, Geraldine Innocente, 1957, U.S.A. 2
"Beloved ones, occasionally the great Cosmic Law allows Us the privilege of drawing back the veil in order to reveal some memories of the past for just one reason, to give encouragement to the builders of the new world of today by making them realize that the builders of yesterday had similar trials, doubts and crucifixions of the outer self. The foundations of the great religions of the world were laid by the builders of yesterday who at that time were unascended beings like yourselves. Yet those great religions still stand today drawing multitudes into their teachings and therefore are a manifestation of the fact that humble and imperfect lives - sincere and willing to serve - while yet imperfect can at least begin the impetus which will later develop into greater and greater glory to God by service to man now and in ages yet to come. You see, I personally know something about this, for I too was once such an imperfect one. I was born of strong spiritual parentage but raised as you so well know in the Egyptian court of great ease and luxury. Thru that experience I knew the comfort which comes with luxury and authority. However, during that time there began to stir within My Heart a certain restlessness of feeling which I later discovered was to arouse Me into outer action to use certain Powers of My own Lifestream in order to be able to accomplish the tremendous task of bringing Israel out of bondage and the bringing of those people back to the worship of the One True God.
"You will remember that after leaving the Egyptian court I spent much time in restless wandering in the desert. I seemed unable to fathom either the reason for that feeling of restlessness within my heart or to realize the real purpose for My Being. One day the Great Cosmic Angel of Unity, Micah, visited me in the desert. When He had parted the human veil for Me and enabled Me to understand the commands which were given Me as to how I was to go before Pharaoh and his court to demand the release of the Israelites from their bondage in that land, I was not only amazed but somewhat frightened as well, for in that embodiment as Moses of which I speak, I was not eloquent of tongue. Right there I fell to my knees and said, 'O Lord of Life! Send someone more qualified than I to persuade the might of Pharaoh!' Yet through My acceptance of the Truth in beloved Micah's tremendous message of the hour that the true Name of God was 'I AM', I was filled with sufficient Strength, Courage and Power to return to Egypt and utilize those Powers which were Mine. So through the assistance of the Great Angel Micah, and My use of His Instruction in the performing of various Miracles which are chronicled in your Bible for your reading, the chains of slavery were loosed from those people and we were able to leave the land of Egypt.
"Until we had traveled quite a distance into the wilderness I had not realized that those Israelites did not come with Me because they either believed My vision or because they thought I was a Messenger of God. I found that they came out with Me because they saw no other way out of bondage! So when the Israelites came to the place where the blazing sun heated desert sands so that they blistered soles of their feet, and when we came to a place where that vast multitude had neither food nor water, I knew what it meant to feel resentments of reluctant energies of people and thousands of voices crying out in disappointment. During those times when I was the target for so much of their resentment and rebellion I knelt often before the Lord of Hosts and prayed for Assistance will all My Heart. In answer to those prayers and Calls for help, the water sprang forth from the very rock itslf, as you have often read, and manna fell from heaven! Thus were our physical needs immediately and satisfactorily met and we were able to survive.
"Beloved Micah told Me that we were to spend some time in the wilderness preparing for our entrance into the Promised Land. To this end, He instructed Me to ascend to the top of Mount Sinai where I would receive from God the Law by which to govern this people. When those who were willing to accept this purification and spiritual instruction were ready to enter the Promised Land, they would then come with a greater realization of the Truth of the Word of God, acceptance of His Reality and a desire to worship Him only. At the command of Angel Micah, I obeyed and ascended Mount Sinai where I received and recorded upon actual rock which was there the Law for that Cycle. While I was thus engaged, right back into thoughts and feelings of the world of form, fleshpots of Egypt and worshipping of idols which they had known went my blessed people again!
"Today you stand at about the same place as I stood then. There are more than three billions of people in embodiment on this Earth today chafing under chains of sorrow, sickness, lack and limitations of every conceivable description, and all calling for relief from their distress. Were you to suddenly loose them all from their chains after a short while you would know what I mean when I say that you will remember me and my experience in the coming days! When the weight of shackles is taken from their wrists, when they are able to stand erect again and when the greatest of the discomforts are alleviated, then will you see just how far they will go in pleading for Spiritual Enlightenment! Because I know so well the tendencies of outer human consciousness I come to you today to offer my assistance in advance so that where I suffered much, you need not if you will heed my words and give me opportunity to assist you. If you will so invite me, I shall move with you and bring you Victory, beloved friends, helping you to be poised and controlled in my feeling of Happiness as you henceforth begin to create and endeavor to sustain an atmosphere of Happiness about you at all times."
Beloved Lord Ling

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