Me: Can we Start
Presence: I Am Here.
Me: so much ado about the Royal Wedding, i feel, well bothered
Presence: Society loves a beautiful pageant, let us turn our eyes and ears away from tragedy and loss for a moment. William has found his princess. this is a great archetype
Me: but does it have to be on every news station?
Presence: TV is driven by money and advertisement, Advertisment is driven by viewers and marketing polls. You know that already. Let Go and Let God. Why so angry and bothered?
Me: I havent' been sleeping well, my body is aging, and i have to work to create good vegetarian meals here in Brasil
Presence: yes, but you must take care of you, Expectations are preconceived ideas of how we think things should be,
accept what food you have. Simple meals will suffice you until you can get the variety you miss.
Me: Was I spoiled by the stateside veg. restaurants.
Presence: Brasil is different, a land of beauty, music, beautiful people, beautiful women, beaches, but alas no vegetarian restaurants. Oh and very little soy burgers.
Me: I havent been wanting to do the extra calls and meditations at night, maybe that will help:
Presence: Quite often the mind resists the one thing that will help. The momentum of self sabotage is a subconscious habit. Record your prayers, listen them doing the day. this will remove the resistance. Resistance is Futile
Me: Why are you quoting Star Trek
Presence: It is a very advanced idea, the great collective unconscious has many levels. One of them is ALL that Is. You speak to that consciousness now. it is who you are. The lower frequencies radiate hatred, jealousy, lack, limitation, and Resistance. Thats why I like the quote from the Borg.
Me: okay I will record the prayers today. i was told they werent effective if we didn't speak them into being.
Presence: if someone prays for you or you listen to a beautiful song, it may or may not be as beautiful as if your prayed or if you sang. But is it not still beautiful? Pray the Prayer, listen to the Song, the Prayer, Do, Be, don't NOT Do , Not Be
Me: i got it.
Presence: I Am always here
Me: I Know. you always remind me.
Presence: I love you
Me: Love you back.
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