St. Germain
Invocation: Mighty Luminous Presence!
“I AM’’ the conquering power. “I AM’’ the radiant splendor feeling everything and manifestation.
"I AM the intelligence governing all activity, inner and outer, making it one perfect activity.
Out of Thy Light, "Mighty Presence which I AM," all things are precipitated into form.
“I AM’’ the exhaust list energy governed by thy wondrous, infinite intelligence and
Light the Illuminating center within these bodies who come under this radiation.
Expand and Light into the full illumination of the body and mind, raising it into that active, perfect eternal garment.
Mighty Light! Send forth thy rays into the hearts of mankind, into all official places, Commanding Justice, Illumination and Perfection of myself to express, bringing Relief, and Light into humanity; and by that governing Presence, command all things in the outer human activity to give obedience. I bring you greetings from the Great Host of Loved Ones, who always watch administer to those whose devotion reaches unto them.
The Discourse
From out the centuries of activity we have arrived at the focal point with the experience of the ages come into instantaneous action, where all time and space become the "One Presence," God in Action now.
Knowing that it is the Presence of God, the “I AM’’ that beats your heart, then you know that your heart is the voice of God speaking; and as you come to meditate upon the great truth: “I AM’’ the Supreme Intelligent activity through my mind and heart," you will bring the true, dependable, divine feeling into the heart.
So long mankind has been loving on the periphery of the circle. Once the student becomes really aware that quote God is love," he will understand it to focus his attention on the desire to project love for any given purpose is the supreme privilege of the out of activity of the consciousness -- which can generate love to abound this degree. Mankind has not previously understood that divine love is a power, a Presence, and intelligence, it Light that can be fanned into a boundless flame of fire; and it is within the conscious intelligence of every individual, especially students of the Light, to so create and generate this "Presence of love" that it becomes and invincible, exhaust this, peace -- commanding "Presence" whatever the conscious individual disaster directed.
So where it has been said the love may not be command. I say to you: "love is the first principle of life and may be generated to any degree, or without any limit whatsoever, infinite use"
such is the majestic premise of the conscious use and direction of love.
When I say "Generate," I mean the opening of the door to conscious devotion to the outpouring of this exhaust this fountain of love, which is the heart of your be -- the heart of the universe.
Students, by contemplating this Infinite Power of Love, become such a fountain of its outpouring that it's conscious direction may be infinite in the student
Were my beloved students wish to hasten their liberation from certain events or out of activity, I can't but say: "I AM the commanding Presence, exhaustless energy, the divine wisdom causing my desire to be fulfilled "knowing this, you may further know: "The Presence that I AM," I now remain, untouched by disturbing out of conditions. Serene, I fold my wings and abide the perfect action of the divine law and justice of my being commanding all things within my circle to appear in the divine order."
This is the greatest privilege of the student and should be the command at all times. Here are shall say something that should be very encouraging, and I trust he will. Each student who was earnestly striving for the Light is being toughened and as you make the toughest steel, which wears the longest, holds the best, and is a strongest. Such is what the life experience brings to the individual. When one craves to be released and there appeared trying experiences, it is the toughening of the individual that gives him and the last the perfect and eternal mastery over all out of things
One may, with the right understanding of this, easily rejoice in the experience which is enabling him to turn and bask in the Glorious, Wondrous "I AM Presence." Plus, beloved students, you should never grow weary of well doing, nor meeting the experiences that sometimes seem to weigh heavily upon you; but rejoice that every step forward leads to the eternal goal which does not have to be repeated.
This is what methinks the student often forgets to use: "I AM the Strength, the Courage, the Power to move forward steadily do all experiences, whatever they may be, and remaining joyous and uplifting, feel with peace and harmony at all times, by the glorious Presence which "I AM."
To the athlete on the racetrack, the beginning of the race's glorious anticipation; but as he reaches the goal and his adversary draws near, he put forth every effort, his breath becomes short, and with one last gasp he crosses the line to victory. So it is with students on the path. They know in the use of the "I AM Presence" they cannot fail. Therefore, all that is necessary is to tighten your belt, gird yourself for whatever is required, and with a wave of the hand to your adversary being him farewell.
More fortunate than athlete, the student knows from the beginning that he cannot fail, because “I AM’’ the exhaustless energy and Intelligence sustaining him or her.
The Power of Precipitation, the student should understand and remember at all times, is within the "I AM Presence." “I AM’’ here, the Life Principle and Intelligence in this body. “I AM’’ everywhere, even into the heart of God, the governing intelligence of the universe. Therefore, when I wish to precipitate anything whatsoever, I know: “I AM’’ the power acting; “I AM’’ the Intelligence directing; “I AM’’ the substance be acted upon, and now I bring it into visible form in my use.
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