Chapter 9
Thou Mighty, All Powerful, Active Presence -- God! With ever growing deeper praise thanks and gratitude to thee for thy life, thy light and thy intelligent power manifest everywhere in the universe; for Thy Active Presence manifest in the mind, body, own, world and affairs of everyone.
Enable us to understand and feel that radiant power, always active in our world, affairs and business knowing no single activity can go wrong; about those government all action and I love and justice, guiding and regulating all.
Thou mighty Supreme Ruler of the universe! Whose law is justice, whose power is invincible; protect America, Brazil and the world in Thy Great Blazing, Loving presence, revealed to the authorities of the United States of America, Brazil, and the World any wrong activities. "
"I Am" the mighty channel of justice, claiming all now and for all time that they serve only the cause of America, Brazil and the World, the Light of God.
No human thought shall enter. No human hand shall be raised against her; she is sealed within the love of the great Ascended hosts of light forever
The Discourse
One of the great needs of individuals, and even of sincere students today is to feel the necessity of given time morning and evening to sincere meditation: to the stilling of the out of activity that the inner presence may come forth unobstructed.
Meditation really means feeling the Active presence of God. Therefore in one attempt to enter meditation, he cannot drag all the disturbance that has beset him doing the day along with him.
Therefore, consciously remove from the feeling and attention every disturbing thing, into your meditations and feel the Presence of God," and do not revolve your troubles.
When the statement was given: "know the truth and the truth shall make you free," admit the recognition, acceptance and activity of the mighty “I AM Presence.”’
First Know; "I Am” is the first principle. an absolute certainty of freedom now. Second, know: "I Am" the Active Presence, governing all manifestation in my life and world perfectly.
Then I have entered into the truth which shall bring all freedom.
I will relate the thing that would be most laughable if it were not really serious. You would chastise it and rumble considerably if your little pet dog continued to carry bones from the alley into your living room. You would think he was doing that which is very much out of place. Know, beloved students of truth, that when you allow your mind to dwell upon disturbing things or experiences, you are doing a great deal worse than bringing bones into the living room?
The unfortunate thing which students and individuals seem so difficult for them to understand is: never under any circumstances try to hold the water that has gone over the wheel.
In other words, the unpleasant experiences, losses, or any perfection that has passed over your wheel of experience to the present time should never be held close to you. They have gone over the wheel, forgive and forget them
To Give and Forgive is Godlike indeed.
For illustration: if an individual or group of individuals has gone into a business undertaking, and through lack of understanding, it has failed all gone to pieces, it is because of inharmony in the mental attitudes and feelings. If an individual in such an association would take a stand and hold it that there is only God in Action, only the most perfect success will come out of it. Since the individual has free will, if he were not in control of his own thought and feeling, he will wreck things for himself and others. Such is the Great Law unless every individual corrects his own thought and feeling and keeps it so.
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