Atiba: Can we start?
I was reading Chapter 10 of the discourses.’’
St.’’ Germain is talking about the inexhaustible, this energy of love.’’
I Am Presence “Yes, he also said that it is a Commanding Presence.’’ That each of us has a reservoir of limitless love that we can use to bring into being whatever we desire.’’
Atiba " I guess I haven’t been very loving.’’ My life and finances still are quite despicable.’’
I Am Presence “The attributes of wisdom and power are also important.’’ You as a student must command the I Am Presence to establish in your world more Wisdom and More Power.’’ ‘’This radiant field will attract more good.’’
Atiba “Time is an issue, sometimes I feel I’m running out of it.’’
I Am Presence "Then tell your mind to simply "Stop", “I Am the Commanding Presence of God in Action, Beyond All Space and Time.’’
Atiba "Wow, I like that beyond Space and Time part.’’"
Why does the dimension space and time cause me and even other truth students so much trouble.’’
I Am Presence "Your freedom is won through your constancy and your faith.’’ Your incarnation into the Earth plan has its lessons that require forging your strength, your courage ; for this is the attracting force of God's love fueled by your faith, which brings your goals into manifestation.’’
Atiba "St.’’ Germain talks about the Precipitation of Good.’’ (Manifesting our hearts desire)
It sounds rather far fetched.’’
I Am Presence "Remember Christ said these things and greater shall you do.’’ Ye of little faith.’’
Atiba "You got me there, I've been practicing meditation for over 30 years.’’ I had only read some of this being done by magicians.’’
I Am Presence " Of course, metaphysical magicians, Moses, Elijah, Jesus, your Ascension awaits.’’ Allow yourself some "time" to strengthen your faith.’’
I Am Presence “Believe that you are making progress.’’ do not let the worldly conditions, vibrations and appearances distract you.’’ The calls, the fiats, the prayers and the Violet Flame are the Electro Magnetic force attracting your good and purifying centuries, lifetimes of misdirected thought and deed.’’
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