Discourse XII
St. Germain
Invocation: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence, Thou All Pervading Infinite Intelligence!
Thy Love, Wisdom and Power governing all things.
Thy Divine Justice is ever operating in the lives and worlds of those who look to the with unfailing determination.
We give Praise and Thanks that Thou Art the Ruling Power and Governing Intelligence ruling all things.
We give praise and thanks that in our world now Thou Art the ever Sustaining, Invincible Power. We Thank Thee
God always finds a way to help those whose hearts reach out to him.
The Discourse
The seeming mysteries of life where their attendance experiences are, when rightly understood, blessings in disguise; for any experience that causes us to turn more firmly to the one active presence, “I AM’’ God in Action, has served us a wonderful purpose and blessing.
The unfortunate situation in which personalities find themselves exist because they are constantly looking to outside sources for Sustenance, Directing Intelligence, and for the Love that is the Supreme Presence and Power of the Universe.
It matters not what the conditions are that we face, at no time must we lose track of all allow ourselves to be drawn from the great truth that; "love is a hub of the universe upon which everything revolves."
This does not mean that we show love in inharmony, discord or anything unlike the Christ, but instead we can love God in Action, the "I Am Presence" everywhere present; for the opposite of hate is love, and one cannot hate in any sense without having loved deeply. The admonition that Jesus gave was truly this idea.
Each human being is a power, and is intended to be the governing principle of his life and world. In the recognition that within each human being is the "I Am Presence of God" ever acting, then everyone knows that he holds within the out of hands the specter of dominion, and should use his conscious determination in knowing that the invisible presence of God is, everywhere present, the intelligent activity in his world and affairs.
This keeps the attention from becoming fixed on the outer appearance, which is never the truth unless it illumined by the "I Am Presence."
No matter what the problem is to be solved in the individual's life there's only one Power, Presence and Intelligence that can solve it and that is the individual's recognition of the all powerful presence of God -- with whom the out of activity may interfere -- unless the individual's attention is knowingly or unknowingly drawn from his central recognition and acceptance of the supreme God power.
The principle of life, always active, is ever striving to pour itself forth into expression, thereby producing is natural perfection; but human beings, having free will, consciously or unconsciously qualify it with all kinds of distortion. "I Am Presence," on God and what God, becomes and invincible power with which no out of manifestation of mankind can interfere.
In the recognition of: “I AM’’ here and “I AM’’ there," friends were ever needful will be raised up to one assistance, for; “I AM’’ the friends Roquefort whenever and wherever it is necessary."
The release from all outer dominion or interference can only come through this recognition of the
"I Am Presence," God in Action and individuals life and world many times does require a strong determination to hold unwaveringly in this presence with appearances seem to be dominating.
However, such is never really the case.
The old saying, "an individual is never late until he gives up," is quite true, for as long as an individual looks with full determination to God in himself as a Governing Intelligence, there is no human activity that cannot interfere. The mighty outpouring of light flowing about each individual to the activity of the vision, and knowing of his presence -- can be made as invisible as a wall of steel about one about one, in fact more so.
Even down to the centuries have the majority of mankind given their attention to the out of appearances, thereby inviting all kinds of discord and distress; but today there are thousands who will come into understand the God presence within themselves as absolutely invincible, to the extent that they are steadily being raise above the injustice, discord and in harmony of the out of creation.
Until mankind or individuals hold the attention on the "I am presence," God within, not enough and with sufficient determination, they will find themselves surrounded by the undesirable; but through this "I am presence," each one has the power to raise himself above the discord and disturbance of the out of creation.
At first it does take determination to hold fast when the seeming storm clouds hang low and the outer appearance seems overwhelming; but with a dynamic conscious attitude and attention fixed upon the presence of God within, it is like the lightning flashing for from within the stormclouds, penetrating and is often a storm that seems so threatening.
As one advances, he finds himself becoming more and more invincible to this out of creation of mankind which brings such great distress.
The statement of Jesus: "know the true, and the truth shall make you free," was perhaps one of the simplest and greatest truth to ever be outer; for the first fundamental of knowing this great truth to which he referred was to know that you have within you this invincible presence of God.
If you know that you are certain of it within your own consciousness -- I mean by that, standing with firm determination in the face of everything -- then you know you do have that presence within.
Your next step is to take your stand: “I Am the Only Intelligence and Presence Acting,''
and no outer activity that I need to know can be withheld from me, because “I AM’’ the wisdom, “I AM’’ the perception, “I AM’’ the revealing power bringing everything before me that I may see and understand, and be able to act accordingly."
It is so easy, when you understand that: "I Am the Only Intelligence and Presence Acting,'' to see how you have this gap to within your own hands, and through this "I Am Presence" you can compel everything you need to know to be revealed to you. I assure you, this is not in any way interfering with the free will of any other individual.
It is time that the children of God when looking to the light awaken to this dominion. I assure you, it is no wrong or mistake to claim and demand your own. In doing this you are not in any way interfering with any other individual.
If at any time there are those who through their outer activity attempt to take from you that which belongs to you, then it is your right to command to the "I Am Presence" that the whole condition be adjusted and your own. In doing this you are not interfering in any way with any other individual.
If at any time there are those who through their outer activity attempt to take from you that which belongs to you, then it is your right to command through the "I Am Presence" that the whole condition be adjusted and your own brought to you. In this we must be very careful that when we have set the divine law into motion and divine justice begin to take place that we do not become over sympathetic and thereby interrupt the action of the law.
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