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I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Five Levels of Reality and More

The Five Realms And Above

Invocation: Divine I AM Presence, Ascended Masters, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Budhha, Beloved Lord Khrisna, Beloved Jesus Christ and the Ascended Master Host. I thank thee for thy great love and blessings, may my words be true.

In the various studies that I have been privileged to and the initiations that I have received there has been an underlying framework that I will attempt to explain in this document. As a former Tibetan Buddhist Monk, as a Quan Yin disciple and finally as a I AM Torch Bearer I have learned and now compared the similarities and differences of each of the truths and come to my own conclusions.

I also spent a week at the Robert Monroe Institute more than five years ago where I studied and practiced Out of Body Experiences using sound frequencies designed to elicit higher states of awareness to prompt the individual to transcend the physical level.

The 5 Levels and More
The first level of awareness is the physical level. This is the level of the physical body. It is also the level where the most karmic progress or lack of progress is said to be made. In other words it is written that we make the greatest progress to love, to find peace, to cleanse the karmic tendencies of many incarnations in the physical body, not at the higher realms. This is why the Buddha has said how precious it is to receive the gift of the human body incarnation vs the animal , insect or plant world.

The Second Level
The second level is the level of the astral. St. Germain describes this level being a garbage dump of the negative thoughts of humanity. It is also a level in which the sinister force as well as the media use energy and information about ghosts, psychic phenomena, horror movies and gratuitous entertainment violence to captivate and fascinate the truth seeker. I agree with St. Germain regarding the essence of this level not being pure in its definition, however, I also believe that there are many levels within the astral and that some of them are in between states that are created by the soul before it is advanced enough, accumulated enough experience and truth to go on to the next level.
I think that some of the more fundamental religious, limiting thought forms reside here. I also believe that we can create our own realities in this area, i.e Where Dreams May Come, but they are temporary in nature. Even if they may last for what appears as many years. I Believe the Goal of All Souls is to become ONE with the Father. “I and the Father are One.”” At the Monroe Institute I had an Out of Body Experience where I experienced an area Exactly like the one in the Movie Where Dreams May Come, a sort of Hell of lost souls and wrecked ships.

There were in between levels, that were not Hellvilles so to speak, but I was never able to reach what I believe is the: Third Level or God Level.
St. Germain’s point is that no lasting eternal joy can be had there, either one progresses upward or the soul must reincarnate to gain more valuable experience and purify one’s karma and gain a greater understanding of universal truths.

The Third Level (God Realm)
This level puzzled me for many years. The Buddhists and Metaphysical doctrine I studied explain it as a place where God like beings exist. But they are not omnipotent and eternal in nature as the One True God, and though one may attain God like attributes of power in being able to reach this level, the soul or spirit is still not totally pure of subtle desires, which may include jealously and rage. I found that the Tibetan Buddhists, Sant Mat, Quan Yin and St. Germain teachings were all in agreement on these levels to a degree. Although, I do believe there are more than five.

The Fourth Level (Causal)
This level corresponds to the Causal Body, it is a level of pure energy, no negative energy resides in this level.
When an aspirant reaches this level he is one level away from individual attainment of AT-One-Ness with the God Head, with his I AM Presence. Sant Mat teaches that when an individual reaches this level he is going through the near final preparation for Ascension.
The St. Germain Teachings state that all of the positive energy is stored from many lifetimes in the causal body. This is also believed to be why some individual incarnate with more talents or gifts than others, this talent having been stored in the causal body.
It is the causal body that reaches this level, for when the soul has reached this state, it has shed the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

The Fifth Level (Ascended Masters, Oneness with the God Head)
The fifth level of reality is the level where the great teachers, the saints of the Ages, the Avatars, Jesus The Christ, Buddha, Khrisna and all the Ascended Masters from various teachings reside and teach They may seem different but in foundation they all teach the Magnetic Energy of Love of the Most High, be it Enlightenment, Nirvana, Ascension, or Christhood.

When the aspirant has attained this state he has reached a level of Godhood or rather Godlike attributes, he/she is PURE LOVE manifest. He is not God, but he is one with the Great I AM and has reached a state beyond suffering, reincarnation and the concepts of religious differences that still divide us. His or her ambience is pure love, pure wisdom and power. However, he/she has totally realized that his essence belongs to the Great I AM although he has retained individual identity.

I give thanks to my I AM Presence, St. Germain, the Buddha and the Ascended Master Host.
May my words ring true and touch the hearts of the truth seekers.

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