Invocation; Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence!
Creator of All That Is, Always Majestic and “I AM” Conquering Presence, we give power only to Thee.
We forever withdraw all power we have ever given to out of things and stand serene and “I AM” Majestic Presence, Love, Wisdom and Power. No in fact, "“I AM” Here and “I AM” Then and then “I AM” serene in thy Majestic Presence, manifesting Thy Love, Wisdom, Power and Judgment -- that I have Thy foresight and see far beyond human possibilities."
I give praise and thanks that I, now and for ever acknowledge and accept fully that mighty Victorious Presence in all things, in my life, my world, my mind, and my body.
The Discourse
Keep reminding the outer activity, the outer consciousness, that when I say "I,"
"“I AM” using the Infinite God Power. When I say “I AM”, I have set this power into motion to successfully accomplish whatever the idea is which has been held in consciousness, or whatever idea of the attention has been held upon.
Sincere students should not forget this for a single hour, until the truth become so fixed in the outer activities that it automatically acts.
Therefore, you will see how perfectly ridiculous it is to say; "“I AM” sick, “I AM” financially embarrassed," or that there seems to be a lack of anything. I tell you that you cannot possibly be affected if you will hold fast to this idea, then use it.
When you seem to have a cold you do not need to be told to use a handkerchief. Then why do you need to be reminded that the outer activity has but one power by which to move itself about, and that is the “I AM” presence, “God in you? The unfortunate thing about sincere students is that they will not meditate often enough upon this truth force marvelous presence to come into activity.
Note that; "I AM” the Majestic, Victorious Presence, filling all official places," and know it with certainty in your mind. If any of the students will sincerely take hold and use this, such an one will be blessed for so doing.
Guard yourself in the outer contact constantly, that you do not unknowingly accept the appearance of things or the fear of so-called financiers. God governs your world your home your business and that is all with which you are concerned. Do not ever fear that you are running amuck with your imagination when you sense and feel the nearness of the full manifestation of the mighty, individualize presence.
Rejoice! Believe in the Mighty Presence that holds in Its embrace everything in this world that you can desire or you. You are not dependent on the outer things. With the joyous entering into this mighty power and presence which contains all, do you not see how you would be provided for, if everything were cut loose?
I want you to feel, joyously except, and with all your being no that the power of precipitation is no myth. It is real. Those who enter into this feeling deep enough what have the precipitation of anything they want.
Children have been chastised for seeing angelic beings and for manifesting and inner perception. It is the parent of their childhood who should be chastised, and well at that, for daring to interfere with the God given freedom of child. If grown-ups would live more in the conscious imaging and acceptance of these Mighty and Great Presences (of whose very existence most of humanity doubts), they would feel Their Presence and uplifting sustaining intelligence.
My Beloved Ones! If suddenly we find ourselves needing courage or strength; "“I AM” there surging forth, supplying this instantly." If I need harmony in my mind or body then; "“I AM” there, supplying instantly, and I do not need to wait."
Do not give a thought to the world of individuals who do not understand these things. Go right on rejoicing in the visible, active presence, precipitated into your life and use, of whatever you wish.
Our outer common sense, so called, must tell us that unless we expect, except and rejoice in the presence of the thing we want, how in the name of God to we expect to have it?
This poor, insignificant out of self struts itself about say, "“I AM” too important to give attention to these childlike fairy stories." Well let me say to you that one day the individuals who say this will be only too glad to listen to those fairy stories and feel the minds of those ideas -- that they may come forth.
In every instance in the outer contact of the world of business, whenever there is a negative condition that seems to touch your world in any way, instantly take a firm stand; "“I AM” the Precipitation and Visible presence of whatever I desire, and no man can interfere with it." This is a mighty truth when I speak of precipitation in this manner I do not only mean through the invisible, but through any channel, for all is a precipitation; it is only a difference in activity
When not recognize who “I AM”, then I have entered into the Great Silence, wherein is God's Greatest Activity. This recognition should bring great revelation to the individual, if he holds to it with joyous acceptance.
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