Thou Mighty Infinite Presence Thou All Pervading Healing Presence! Descend and Do Thy Work.
Thou Mighty Intelligence! Give forth thy confidence and Strength! Fill the mind and body of each one with Thy Radiance Presence!
Let us be conscious of the Healing Radiance filling this home.
The great need today is the healing of the nation and of individuals.
As the individual is given assistance to the outpouring of the electronic energy through the mind and body and feeling filling every cell, so in an expanded degree is the nation treated likewise.
The nation is a great body of individuals and of nature's creations. We have the same power, being the individualized Presence of God.
Then we know, " I Am Everywhere Present” and when my consciousness takes on this expansion, I know its energy leaps into action everywhere, in the cells of the body of the world as well as in the body of the individual."
We must come to know that the active presence of God, All Powerful, is everywhere present; then there's not a single nook no corner anywhere that the active presence of God is not; that this Active Presence combines all human creation and consumes instantly everything of inharmonious and undesirable nature.
With the use of the Electronic Belt surrounding the individual, he must understand that he can make this an absolutely invincible protection; through its protection, Divine Wisdom Acts, repelling everything to our conscious action that shall not be taken into the system, and that this Omnipresent Wisdom and Intelligence is always prompting us to refuse acceptance of anything into the system, either through feeling, thought of food that would in any wise disturbed its harmonious activity.
The Natural Activity of the Currents of Life play everywhere like the play of a searchlight. The outer activities should at all times be an invitation to the receptivity of the Currents of Life, which are pure cosmic energy in which are ever flowing through the atmosphere of the earth.
It is true that where there are conditions too dense for it to penetrate, it goes over all or under them, so to speak and finds its way over just the same. Every individual, since the beginning of this year, should come to understand that he is walking and moving constantly within the reach of mighty healing currents. The power of Cyclopedia, the Sacred Love Star, and the rays from the Golden city, currents of Healing Force of tremendous power are consciously directed to the atmosphere of the earth. These you understand, by their very nature, being the energy of God in action, I've therefore Self Sustained.
The consciousness in the individual of their presence will enable him to contact these Rays any time. Students who have a feeling of patriotism and who wish to help the nation should take the stand that these healing currents which reach not only to individuals, but carry into conditions, environment and all official places like an Intelligent Flame, and are doing a work for the protection and uplift of the children of Earth not heretofore set into such powerful action since the creation of this planet.
The more individuals become truly and sincerely conscious of this operation, the more can they become mighty messengers of assistance in this most unusual were.
To the conscious manifestation of the mental forces back of the communists is the sinister influence with which we are dealing in the outer world's activity. Those who wish to be true messengers will meditate upon this idea until they have grasped the full import of it.
They will use their conscious effort, knowing that these Currents of Consuming Electronic Energy consciously directed to the atmosphere of the Earth cannot be interfered with; and that in every sincere, conscious effort of the individual -- in his desire to give us assistance -- there will be a consciousness of this energy that he has not hitherto possessed.
Sometimes individuals of such a nature that while wonderfully kind and willing, the sudden consciousness that they need to let go of certain kinds of activity is a sort of shock to them. I would say to these individuals that the Divine Intelligence within each one will cause them to naturally let go of the things not in accordance with this Great Presence at every step of the way when it is necessary.
In order for the individual to consciously let go of a thing he must have something that he feels a strong to which he can anchor, estimates become conscious of this the confidence and strength will come to them to take this step.
As I suggested was before, I would consciously, and least once or more a day, stand on the floor and charge the home with this pure electronic energy -- keep it charged so that God's very presence will keep out of the home, who, thought, any kind of presence, and everything that is not in accordance with the desires here.
I would suggest that whenever you find someone is coming (visiting you) you take the consciousness: "I Am the Pure Radiance of Divine Love enfolding these individuals, and this Garment enfolds them when they come and when they leave." When you are conscious of this you clothe them and they will wear this Garment into the home and out of it and for them it will be a sustaining power.
Those who come into your home are deserving of assistance, and this will enable them to receive the full assistance they desire and you will love to give
No matter how great the knowledge attained, we at no time ever have the right to force either the knowledge of the discipline upon anyone. Only as students apply what they hear and receive can they ever know the Reality.
When you say “I AM”, you acknowledge the power that breaks down all barriers and conditions of opposition. This human self is just like a starving lion in the jungle. It would tear anything to get what it wants to eat. In this state, the human consciousness will tear its best friend into pieces to get his own way.
In any astral element there is that human desire element which, unless one shuts his mind entirely to the astral world will constantly find himself interrupted in a good decision -- because he has left that door open to a force far more subtle than is ever found in the outer world. Many think there are good forces in astral world. I tell you, no good force ever comes from the astral world. Any good force that there must come through it but it makes its own tunnel of light in which it comes.
In the first place what makes the astral world?
There is only one place where the undesirable creation can find a hold, and that is the next step to the human activity, which is the Astral Realm. This realm of Astral activity has within it all undesirable creation of cumulative through the centuries. Therefore it is easy to see at once that no good comes from any contact with the Astral Realm. IT HAS NOTHING IT IT WHATSOEVER OF THE CHRIST.
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