I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
Alpha and Omega Portraits of the Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

Monday, January 10, 2011

Broadcast Receivers and Transmitters

Broadcast Transmitters
We are broadcast transmitters and we are broadcast receivers.
As humanity moves further and further into the evolution of the I AM Presence we are becoming more and more aware of the power of thought.
How often we fail to see that negative emotions ideas and thoughts are toxic to our physical body as well as our relationships our personal affairs and our businesses

Science is now beginning to understand the power of thought.
There have been many instances where mystics and yogis, and meditators have been hooked up to various types of electronic devices to measure brain activity.
It is clear now that science has begun to catch up with the idea that man can actually control his thought activity.
So we as aspiring Saints, as spiritual beings, we can begin to now understand the power of God's Presence as we manifest our reality day-to-day.
It is not necessary anymore for us to continue to be slaves and victims of negative thought patterns, negative emotions, toxic ideas and influences by the mass media.

On Guard
I AM the Divine Presence guarding my mind and my activities.
Whenever we have thoughts that are unwelcome, that are unneeded, unnecessary and not progressive we can change these thoughts simply by affirming what we want and not what we don't want. (Specifically the using and showing devotion to our “I Am Presence”
Often in metaphysics and various types of therapy we are told to embrace the negative emotions and “move through them.”” This is not without some intelligence for quite often the negative emotions must be looked at and must be examined so that we constantly remind ourselves to be very conscious of self correction as a daily activity.

Radio broadcast Transmitters and Receivers.
We must begin to understand and entertain the idea that we are always broadcasting and receiving ideas from our environment, and internal dialogue, as well as our inner self so that we can begin to change these ideas by first turning off and negative manipulation by the media and guarding ourselves against negative influences. Distinguishing what is the “”Presence of God”” takes a consistent devotional practice to universal spiritual principles of love that a personal relationship with the Presence that is intuitive in nature.
The sinister force is well developed and well trained into being able to create negative emotions and negative forces within our minds, especially that of doubting our God given abilities and authority through the Great I AM.. So we must constantly find invigorating material that constant reminds us to contact the I AM Presence to give us intelligence, direction, energy, love, and peace. Plus by making this technique a part of our daily regimen we create a momentum that allows us to effortlessly draw and attract abundance, love, and peace and to create the type of life that we envision for ourselves.

We are always creating. We are individual manifestations of God; so we have the authority to speak and envision, and to call into existence the things that do not currently exist.
We must stop allowing outside influences to cause us to become depressed, or to cause us to become misdirected. Plus we have the power through the spoken word through the written word through our visualization to create the types of energies that are positive that are uplifting and are healing.
There are vibrational frequencies that are connected to every thought that man has.
So what frequencies are you choosing in your daily life? Are you choosing hatred, jealousy, in the, lack of any form?If you are choosing these emotions then you can change them by affirming different positive ideas
I AM the Governing Presence of my body, my mind, and my personal affairs
I AM the energy you use in every activit.y
I AM the Christ energy that directs all my activities.
I Am the Law of Forgiveness and Christ Love that transmute all enharmonious activity back to my first embodiment.

I AM the Divine Intelligence that governs all my personal business financial and relationships.

These are just a few of the affirmations we can use to begin to create the type of momentum that allow us to overcome the sinister force that is causing us to be under a cloud of negative emotion, a pall of sickness, despair, and hopelessness.
In closing I implore you to remember that you have within one you one of the greatest truths being presently revealed in the history of mankind. You have a God Presence within you that is a direct manifestation of God,
This is your I AM Presence. Take time daily to get quiet and connect with your I AM Presence.
Know that in this time the healing of mankind has been given this divine energy to help us evolve back to our true destiny. Pure love, pure light, pure peace, pure abundance. Wholeness, Ascension

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