Discourse 17
Invocation: Thou Might Infinite Presence, All Pervading Intelligence, All Pervading Substance of Light, Thou Mighty Presence, Thou Ascended Jesus Christ now manifest to his mighty radiance!
We give praise and thanks to the Light, unto the Almighty brother! We give praise and to the central Sun to the one from whose whose ray we received today.
Out of the fullness of that radiant life, oh God, we bow in adoration before that Mighty Presence.
I bring you greetings from the great Master or God Meru, whose messenger is Nada.
The Discourse
When the students are strong enough to bear it we will bring forth and descriptive expression one of the most stupendous expressions of the right use am wrong use of this mighty “I Am Presence”. This action experience took place and what is now the Andes Mountains in South America at a remote. When the children of God first began to forget their source, and to claim the mighty energy of which they were aware as their own. Only two that authority could such an experience take place.
Students and mankind have but a small conception, even in the distress they have created for themselves, of how mighty this force was used at one time for selfish purposes. A similar condition has never been known before. They're still remains today the subterranean city which will be described and in which this activity to place.
All that the children of God could awaken to the stupendous activities that the powers of Light used for the good of humanity when they attention is sincerely focus on that night.
It that many students of the various angles of truth on the Earth today could put away the endless of the out of mind and believe in the seeming miracles all down the ages, how it would break the shell of the out of self and that in the Light. The faith to believe in the things not seen is one of the greatest means to open the door to the conscious activity of the Light of the I Am presence.
As you use the automobile and explaining to cover distance quickly, so does the great “I Am Presence” use the body. The body represents the airplane, and the mind as the mighty motor to which the “I Am Presence” propels it.
Students, I am sure, have not understood how subtle informed doubt takes at times. Where there is questioning in the mind, knowingly or unknowingly, concerning the All Power of the “I Am Presence”, it is a subtle form of doubt. Those who want or attempt to argue the question the reality of the great truth of life, whether they believe it or not admitting doubt into their lives.
In this day, no sincere, reasoning mind, was turning its attention and keeping it firmly fixed on the “I Am Presence”, can argue, doubt, or question the omnipotence of that “I Am Presence”. This scarely recognizable form of doubt that lets into the mind argument concerning the source of this being is but a lack of strength to stand up against the law of resistance -- by which growth in the outer can be measured
There's a vast difference between sincere questioning to know the truth and the human propensity to argue against a very reality they want to believe. We always welcome most earnestly, sincere questioning for truth but we will have nothing to do with that nature whose dominating propensity is to argue against the reality of truth. The more the argument of truth is admitted into the life of an individual, the greater the barrier that one sets up to surmount before the distant day when the dust amount it.
The student's who criticize, condemn, or sit in judgment upon this channel of the truths expression will surely find themselves standing upon the edge of a precipice in which they may plunge at any time -- for no reason in the world except their own creation.
I wish all to understand: this radius of the Light has been established for a certain definite purpose; and it will go for doing his work regardless of any personality, or of all personalities in existence. I say this plainly, that the students of this radiation may understand they are dealing with mighty forces which are as real as reality can be; and those who cannot stand the test and radius of the Light need never, never blame anyone but themselves; for they have free will and are given the use of the mighty “I Am Presence” by which they can maintain absolute self-control
I must put plainly before them again: the sure way that they run into deep waters of doubt and questioning is when they are foolish enough to attempt to discuss the sacred truth which is being given to them for their own liberation and useful those who know nothing about it.
This much I'm may say to you: in the past, students who were taken into the retreats for instruction were never permitted nor do they ever think of discussing the truth with each other. They silently, earnestly apply the instruction of their teacher and the results they desire a certain to follow.
Better were the students stoned in the streets than to condemn, criticize, or just the Light that is given them; for if they were enter into the “I Am Presence” as directed, every question, every problem in their lives will disappear as the midst before the radiance of the morning Light
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