I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
Alpha and Omega Portraits of the Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I AM Discourse, Chapter I Excerpt pg 1-4

I AM Discourse

The Discourse
Life, in all its activities everywhere manifest, is God in action
and it is only through lack of understanding of thought and feeling that mankind is constantly interrupting the fuel flow of that perfect essence of life which would,
without interference, naturally express its perfection everywhere.
The natural tendency of life is love, peace ,beauty, harmony in opulence, the life cares not who uses it, but is constantly searching to pull more of its perfection into manifestation,
always within that lifting process which is ever inherent within itself.

I AM is The Activity of That lLfe." How strange it is that students with sincere interest do not seem to get the true meaning of those two words.
When you say and feel "I AM", you release the spring of eternal everlasting life to flow on its way unmolested.
In other words, you opened wide the door to its natural flow. When you say I AM not, you shut the door in the face of this mighty energy.

I AM is The Full Activity of God.
Having placed before you so often the truth of God in action, I wish you to understand its first expression in individualization. The first expression of every individual, everywhere in the universe, either in spoken word, solid thought or feeling, is I AM, recognizing Its Own Conquering Divinity.

The student endeavoring to understand and apply these mighty, yet simple laws, must stand guard strictly over his thought and expression in other words or otherwise; every time you say "I AM Not", "I Cannot", "I Have Not" you are, whether knowingly or unknowingly throttling that great Presence within you. This is just as tangible as if you place your hands about the throat of outer form, only with the outer form, your thought governing the hands, you can release it at any time; when you make a declaration using the words I AM not, set in motion mighty, then it is energy that continues to act, unless it is recalled and the imperfection consumed and transmuted.

This shows the enormous power you have to qualify this mighty energy of God, and I tell you beloved students dynamite is less dangerous for that would liberate you from the body; while these thoughts sent forth ignorantly and ungoverned bind you up on the wheel of embodiment indefinite.

Plus you can see how important it is to know what you are doing when you thoughtlessly use strong expressions; because you are using the most divine principle of activity in the universe "I AM"

Excerpt, I AM Discourses, pages 1-4,
published by St. Germain Foundation. StGermainfoundation.org , 1988

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