I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
Alpha and Omega Portraits of the Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chapter II "I AM Discourse" Excerpt

Chapter II "I AM Discourse"

St. Germain

Invocation: Thou infinite, all pervading presence the almighty master within each human form exclamation we acknowledge and accept that for presence manifest within these forms and within the human form of every individual that God has set forth we give praise and thanks that last we have become aware of this mighty presence to whom we can turn and recognize the fullness of God's activity, the I Am of all things.

Greetings To You all.

When Jesus said: I Am the Resurrection and the life, he gave for one of the mightiest utterances that can well be expressed.

What he said quote capital "I Am", he did not refer to the outer expression, but he did refer to the Mighty Master presence of God within because he's said repeatedly: “I of Myself Can Do Nothing.” It is the father within the I Am that doeth the works."

Again Jesus said: I Am the way, the life and the truth, giving recognition to the one and only Power -- God in action within him.

Again he said; I Am the light And Life every man that cometh into the world, prefacing every statement of vital importance with the words I am.

Contemplating "I Am" as anything and everything you wish to be is one of the mightiest means of loosing the inner God Power, Love, Wisdom And Truth, and setting it into action in out experience.

Again let us refer to this mighty utterances, perhaps one of the greatest ever spoken into the outer expression, "I Am, the Open door that which no man can shut."

Do you not see how very vital this is when you come to review understanding these Mighty Statements?

When you recognize and accept fully "I Am" as the Mighty presence That of God in you -- in action -- you will have taken one of the greatest steps to liberation. Now mark you, in the utterance of the truth that "I Am, the Open Door which no man can shut," if you can put realize it, you have the key that allows you to step through the veil of flesh, pairing with you all consciousness which is imperfect; and dare transmute it, or in other words, raise it into that perfection into which you have stepped.

Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of contemplating as often as possible the "I Am" As the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you, in your home, in your world, in your affairs.

Every breath you breathe is God in Action in you. Your ability to express of sinful thought and feeling is God acting in you. You, having free will, it is entirely up to you to qualify the energy sent for in your thought and feeling, and determine how it shall act for you.

No one can say: "How shall I know how to qualify this energy?" For every one knows the difference between destructive and constructive thought, feeling and action.

The student, in receiving instruction, should constantly analyze the motives back of the question to detect it in the motor there is a feeling of intellectual pride, arrogance or stubbornness in our mind and body.

If there is within the motive a lurking desire to argue and prove the instruction wrong, “Rather Than Receive the Blessing and truth that intended, the individual has unknowingly shut the door, for the time being to his ability to receive the goods offered.

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