I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
Alpha and Omega Portraits of the Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I AM Discourse Chapter XIV, Faith, Hope and Charity

Discourse XIV (Excerpt)

Faith Hope and Charity

Invocation: "I AM" the Joy, the Courage, the Confidence pervading all of the Earth -- feeling the hearts of mankind -- consuming all generated thought of depression or lack in the minds of mankind; and that which has been set forth to a lack of confidence shall be wiped from the earth.

"I AM" the presence, the perfect Christ presence in the minds of all humanity, feeling all official places, causing it to sustain all personalities, causing him to turn with quick certainty to the source of there being, the perfect life manifest in all outer expression.
"I AM" the presence of proclaiming the conscious active divinity and manifestation everywhere.

This shall be! For "I AM" the Supreme Conquering Presence. "I AM" here and "I AM" there. I go everywhere, touching the brains of mankind as with a streak of lightning -- not with consuming power but with the ‘’I AM Presence’’ there would no longer be gainsay it. I bring you greetings joy and love from the great host.

It is so wonderful, beloved ones to have such perfect peace and calmness in your minds these mornings oh could you understand the value of maintaining that peace of mind there's nothing that warrant it being disturbed.

Your melodies were beautiful, and wonderful world shall come forth to bless to the melodies. There is great joy and advancing conquering presence -- a hold, world, and students with a score find presence -- with his presence of popular stream forth like a mighty river to all who make themselves worthy by the peace and harmony of mankind.

The Discourse
I wish to call to your attention this morning to the active presence of faith, hope, and charity. In this consideration, we will think of faith as a conquering animating power; hope, the open doorway through the veil, acting in the pure presence; charity, as a determination to think no evil, to speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, feel no evil.

Student should always watch the Inner Activity of the out of mind and not let themselves be fooled by its action. This may sound like a paradox, but it is not. This is more important than it seems at first. If there's lurking back in the consciousness any feeling a resistance of any time whatsoever, or that something which is always ready to bristle when something displeases, pluck it out by the roots. You know it is all the outer and it will stand in the way of your payment to prevent it until you pluck it out.

To maintain a tranquil, sweet disposition in the face of all things is a certain role to self-control and absolute mastery. That's much more important than any of you can possibly understand at this time for your attainment of all that you desire.

There are Cosmic Masters known as faith, hope, and charity. I call your attention to these three principles always active in the life of mankind, I want to assure you that they are not only qualities within yourselves, but there are beings of great light and advancement who are also known as faith, hope, and charity. The individuals and students who make the conscious effort to cultivate these qualities and consciously expanded in their world will find themselves receiving great assistance from these conscious mighty beings -- from whose names come these qualities into individualization. These are cosmic, self-conscious, intelligent beings, whose special action with mankind is to encourage and expand these qualities. Therefore let all the students understand that this is far more than a scriptural phrase or expression at this time these great ones have come from out the cosmic silence because of the need of faith hope and charity in the minds and hearts of mankind.
The sinister force that would have destroyed the confidence, the hope and the charity in the minds of the American people is doomed to fail utterly. Even now, hundreds who voted for a wet administration I find their own uncontrolled thought upon them and are regretting that unwisdom of the action. So out of seeming wrong activity will still come great good. Since the hypnotic force that was generated has spent itself, many of mankind are wondering what cause them to do certain things; and they're very rebellion would generate the force which will be used to correct conditions after all. God, which is progress, knows no defeat in anything. Students always remember this, which will enable them to maintain so much needed peace and poise of mine.

The majestic being charity has a natural consuming force for the sobbing and I'm now dating hate, criticism and condemnation, and uses the cosmic rays as a balancing force in the ethers, for which human beings are drawing their very breath and sustenance, so in spite of themselves, their breathing in the fire of these rays.

This reminds me of an illustration. You know, when a person is thinking, many times you hold the smelling salts of ammonia under that one's nose. This is what is actually taking place under the nose of humanity. It is now breathing in this consuming presence.

Yes, I want to stress something earnestly to the earnest, sincere students, there are innumerable means of assistance available to him, much of which is and will remain untied unknown to him, but from which he nevertheless draws -- when his desire for the light is sincere.

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