I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
Alpha and Omega Portraits of the Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chapter VII, I Am Discourse Excerpt by St. Germain

Thou Mighty, Silent Watcher!
Even as thou hast before the Cosmic Crystal, send forth Thy Rays, anchoring them in the hearts of God’s Children.
Teach them obedience to the Great Cosmic Laws.
Teach them obedience to the Light.
Fill the hearts and minds with Thy Peace, with Thy Silence, with Thy Poise.
Let the rejoicing of Thy Heart fill their hearts, every one,-- even to overflowing with thy substance and pure electronic force that brings with it not an Immeasurable Infinite Blessings.
Let each one feel that Omnipresence, Watchful Care, thy Sustaining Love, Wisdom and Power.

The Discourse
I bring you greetings from the Great Host of Light who watch attentively the outpouring of divine radiance, whose Great Love, Peace and Light always enfold you as Messengers of the Light, giving always strict obedience to the Great Light.
Obedience of all manifestation is the first demand of the Great Host. When the command when forth: "Let there be Light!" Obedience was the first activity, consequently
Limitless Light was at hand.
It is so with all outer activity of the one principle, God.

The first activity of the outer of should be to give Perfect Obedience to that Inner Presence. Thus it is enabled to receive harmoniously the unadulterated Pure Essence, and so it should be with friends, with relatives, with associates and with all outer contact of individuals.
There should always be this wondrous grace of love, Light and Obedience. It matters not the age of the individual. Still the outer expression often, for its needs is obedience to the Great Inner Light. When the inner impulse surges forth to argue, criticize or feel a resistance, it is your signal that the outer is intruding itself to demand attention. Then is the time, by the power of your free will, to command the outer to be silent and obey the “I Am” Presence”."
It is useless to argue any point. Silence the outer and then in loving obedience, give the Instruction. In this way it can come forth unobstructed. When students have entered the conscious path the slightest intimation or disturbance or resistance of any kind should be followed instantly by silencing all outer activity and declaring: "“I Am” the obedient, intelligent activity in this mind and body; ““I Am” the governing power and do govern it harmoniously.
It matters not upon what plane or in what sphere of activity the son of God that is the son or daughter of God -- acts, obedience to its laws or the Divine Law of the sphere in which he is acting. It is always imperative to his steady, onward progress.

Someday, I hope in the near future, we shall take up for consideration the elements of the outer activity which are most disturbing, and the effect of their activity upon the body. I do not wish to do this however, until the students are strong enough to hear the truth of this activity without a single twinge of resistance or self-condemnation- because to start an activity within the individual of either condition would be a mistake upon my part.
I spoke sometime ago about the student keeping on guard to watch that in an unguarded moment he did not find himself unknowingly entertaining some feeling of resistance, criticism of some activity which he later discovered had been acting.
Every student should constantly use, many times a day for it only requires a minute, and silently declare: "“I Am” the Invincible Guard, establish, sustained and maintained over my mind, my body, my home, my world and my affairs." Keep conscious that this guard, being the ““I Am” Presence”, naturally has Infinite Intelligence. This will establish an intelligent guard and activity about you the does not have to be constantly repeated

Again we come to the point where every time we use expression "I" or “I Am””, we know that it is the full power of Love, Wisdom and Intelligence acting. Use frequently: ““I Am”” the full Liberation of Divine Love acting."

Now as a preparatory activity for the day I was suggest that the students, with great joy and firmness after having refreshed themselves in the morning, would silently declare -- knowing that the power of the declaration is self-sustaining: “I Am” the Governing, Love, Wisdom and Power with its attendant Intelligent Activity which is acting today in every single thing that I think or do. I command this Infinite Activity to take place every moment and be the sustaining guard about me, that I Move, Speak and act only in Divine order" then doing the day, whenever you think of it take a firm consciousness: "““I Am” the commanding, governing presence, moving everywhere before me doing today -- commanding perfect peace and harmony in all activity

In this manner you will lock the door open for the continuous outpouring of this inner intelligent presence, which will transform your world and keep you from contacting inharmony of any kind, enabling you to have that steady flow of inner peace and harmony in all outer contact.

It matters not what the manifestation may be within the body or without, the student must take his firm stand that his body is the Temple of the Most High Living God. This is an unquestionable truth, and this attitude consciously maintained will more rapidly bring the body into the perfect activity which was intended from the beginning. I say to the students in all sincerity, there no possible way of attaining a quality or desired attribute without claiming it. The outer has drifted into a limited consciousness of declaring it did not have the desired quality, and of course it could not manifest it under those conditions the thought of the student often is, "well, I have been holding this idea for a long time but it doesn't manifest; it doesn't work." This is positive proof that somewhere in the consciousness that was lurking a doubt -- possibly unknown to the individual.

I tell you that no matter what appears on the surface, if you will continually, with firm determination, claim the quality, condition of things you desire, and go right on claiming them with that firm determination, they will find expression in your use just as certain as you do this; but I cannot urge you to strongly always to keep on guard in this matter, for the outer, when you have tried it thing for a few hours, days or months and it seems not to have appeared immediately, begin to say: "It's no use, if they were going to have acted, it would have by this time." Such a thing as failure is absolutely impossible when you have set the Power of the “I Am” -- God in you -- in action to accomplish a given purpose, if you will hold unwavering to it with determination.

Many times I have seen students nearing wonderful achievement, wonderful victory and freedom, and this outer of, “not yet been accomplished”, would rush in, get their attention to such an extent that it would either retard their progress, or shut the door definitely.

The student should compel himself or herself to hold before the mind this truth: that when the “I AM” Power and Presence is set in motion, it can no more fail in its accomplishment in the universe stop his activity. For this mighty “I Am” Presence” to fail in its accomplishment would mean that the universe would instantly be thrown into chaos. Such is the Certainty and Power of the “I Am” accomplishment. It simply cannot fail unless the outer obstructs the way.

Every student should guard with great watchfulness that he does not use the “I Am” in negative expression, for when you say; "“I Am” sick, I have failed, “I Am” not accomplishing this thing as I should," you are throwing this mighty energy into action to destroy the thing you wish to accomplish. This always happens whenever you use the word "I," for that is the release of the Universal Power.

Knowing that the “I Am” is you, then when you say, "My headaches, my stomach is out of order, my intestinal tract is disturbed," you are throwing the energy into these parts to act accordingly to the thing you have decrees; for when you say “MY," it is the same energy acting, because there is only one person who can say "I" or "MY," and that is you, decreeing for your world.

Any expression which can only be used for you is including the energy and activity of the "I Am Presence”." The correct attitude if some organ seems to be rebellious is to instantly declare and hold fast to it: "“I Am the only and Perfect energy acting there. Therefore, every appearance of disturbance is instantly corrected.” This is the important point to keep before the student. If, through habit, you have thought that certain remedial agencies gave assistance, then use these sparingly until you gain sufficient mastery to govern entirely by your "““I Am” Presence”."

I assure you that even though you think that this remedial agent has given you relief, it is still the same “I Am” Presence” that has given the remedial agency the power to give you relief. For instance, I have watched the medical world for many centuries and when one individual of so-called authority says that he certain remedy is no longer of use, it is but a short time until it disappears entirely.

The question within the mind of all thinking individuals is that certain herbs or remedial agencies have a certain natural chemical action corresponding to the element within the body. I say to you, what gives or makes the chemical affinity? The power of your “I Am” which enables you to think!

Plus when you come to go round the circle of activity, you will find that there is only one intelligence and presence acting, and that is the “I Am” God in you.

Now why not look this truth square in the face? Take your stand unwaveringly with the I Am” Presence,’’ God in Action in You, and know that it is the only life in you in all things or remedies to which you alone give power.

It is not much better to go directly to this great ““I Am” Presence” and received Its All Powerful, Limitless Assistance which cannot fail, then to give power to something that need you a round Robin Hoods Barn to get assistance from something in the outer to which you have given the power?

I know that it is not easy for students to turn away from old, old habits or dependence upon certain remedial agencies; but a little thought and meditation upon this fact will simply compel the outer reason and dependence upon these outer things to give away completely before the "Great I Am Presence”.

There is no way of convincing the student upon these most vital of questions, except he or she apply the wisdom and knowledge with unwavering determination until he proves for himself the active truth of the simple things.

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