I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

I AM Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®
Alpha and Omega Portraits of the Presence, Copyright © The Temple of The Presence®

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Faith and Completion

Faith and Completion

Your faith is your desire made manifest. The creation of things, the completion of things must occur through a birthing process which many of us are unaware of but takes place in some form all the time. Great things require a greater birthing process. Hence, when women give birth, at that moment they become like God. For their is no greater love "in the physical" than the act of giving birth, a total committment to love. For me having experienced the act of watching my daughter being born, there has not been any greater graphical, emotional experience than watching her head come through the vagina.

In some of us Our faith is surrounded mental demons. This is not true for all, those men and women of great faith who create great devices, tools, pathways for humanity and those who have written the great books and scriptures. But I am not talking about them. I AM talking about those of us who have not yet reached the level of spiritual mastery. Faith and Completion

Your faith is your desire made manifest. The creation of things, the completion of things must occur through a birthing process which many of us are unaware of but takes place in some form all the time. Great things require a greater birthing process. Hence, when women give birth, at that moment they become like God. Faith and Completion

There exist around our FAITH a prison guarded by the demons of our past failures, our temptations, our fears, the self sabotaging habits of repetitive thought and action that shackle our dreams, desires and creative ideas. These devices are like remnants of great things; things that some king would store away in a dungeon to keep the people from realizing a greater power ,the power of the One True God.

They could be alternatives to gas engines, crystal power, non-nuclear devices of greater good and even more that I cannot fathom.

These demons must be removed but they will not die without a great price. They will only die with the surrender of our will, our free will to the greater good, the Good that we know is God. For in this surrender God gives us back the power to forget, dissipate and annihilate these demons. Then we cantake on the mantel of faith , power, love and wisdom that is our birthright.

Some us are taking back this power thru as ritual , prayer, dance, and meditation. It must occur also as fasting, initiation or even as counseling. For before these demons can be obliterated and destroyed they must be identified.

Calls for the light must be made. These calls are to the ancestors, the Ascended Masters, Jesus the Christ and many others, and of course the angels. For they are ready to assist us but fail to do so unless they are called as this would be a violation of the cosmic law of free will. Much of our grace is provided for in God's creation of the guardian angel. But that is for another blog.

To close the will must be strengthened. The will, which I shall call the fire of constant desire is strengthened by calls to the light. For the darkness is real, not necessarily evil but it exists as part of the dual nature of physical reality.

So to do anything any great thing Let there be light. I say to all he read this "let the flame of your heart burn brightly now." Shatter and consume all trancelike , hypnotic states and self sabotaging habits that would draw the light bearer away from the attention of the Christ Presence.

I Am the cosmic law of forgiveness and consuming flame that annihilates all enharmonic action and thought back to my first incarnation into matter. Peace Beloved Atiba Posted by AtibaTaylorStudios at 10:41 AM

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thought and Feeling Part II

Greetings Blog Readers Thought and Feeling Part II

Just wanted to get some additional feedback from everybody and just share a few experiences with you about how this new insight has opened doors. My phone and email has been jumping with new opportunities to restore my career And recently my blog passed the 3,000 reader mark. Someone pointed out this to me cause I was oblivious to this wonderful news of people wanting to gain more insight into the Power of the I AM Principles.

Please write me back with your comments about the Thought and Feeling Blog I posted a week ago.

Every thought we have is actually real on some level. It may or may not manifest according to how much feeling positive or negative that we give that thought. However, quite often our emotions fuel a chemical change in our bodies and in our minds. Especially when we do something, feel something or say something with conviction. I AM Sick, I Don't Have, I AM Worried, I can't solve this... etc. But if truth students could only see the frequencies that occur when we think, what color our thoughts have and how our thoughts and feelings connect us to creation or miscreation.

So much of the negative aspect of humanity, lack, limitation, anger , frustration, disharmony is created from the misuse of this incredible power. If we could for only a moment be aware of our ability to create incredible change and momentum of abundance, love, healing and forgiveness we would guard our thoughts and feelings as if they were diamonds.

I will give you an example. Recently I have been focusing on the affirmation that Christ used I Am the Resurrection and the Life. Christ used this affirmation for healing, and many other demonstrations. But let us look at these 7 words. Of course we have the I AM statement. "I" being the archetype of our individual manifestation as God Beings and AM = the activity of God in Action. Then we have the words Resurrection and Life. Resurrection = healing, restoring what was lost, renewing, rebirth, and life is the fullness of all that is good on earth. As I said wonderful opportunities gigs, festivals and things I don't even know about are occuring because I made this affirmation, and REFUSE to let sickness, lack, depression or any other negative thought stay in my mental/emotional house.

So how can we use this new awareness? First let us be guardians at the temple of our minds and feeling worlds during this new period in the history of man. The knowledge of our God given power is being Resurrected, which was once hidden among secret societies and organizations. These I Am teachings are being released to push humanity into a new Golden Age of Abundance, Love,Wisdom, Power and Healing of our Planet. I pray you guard the gate post of your mind and your feeling world and begin to use your affirmations as IF YOU Life Depended on it. Because it does. (lol)

Love Atiba

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Your Thought and Feeling World

Introduction The Name "Maitreya" means "Lord of Love". Maitreya embodied upon Earth millions of years ago as a volunteer (guardian) from the planet Venus responding to beloved Sanat Kumara's pledge to raise our planet's humanity up out of the degenerate state to which it had descended. Maitreya reached His greatest attainment in the Light of God while embodied with Lord Himalaya. Beloved Maitreya enfolded Jesus in His Cosmic Flame to assist Jesus in manifesting the Christ Consciousness. "If you cannot be the example, do not teach the words . . . "


"The love of God is truly the love of Life. The love of Life is truly the extension of your striving as the true Initiate on the Path. Beloved, I - Maitreya, have known the trials and the tribulations of the day to day activities that you find yourself engaged in. I have known the concerns of your heart - of how you will hold fast to the Law and yet accomplish all that you are called upon to fulfill, all of the daily labors.

"Let us speak of the love of labor, not simply the work that one may do to supply the needs of their families, of their self, but of the striving on the Path. Is it a drudgery? Does it take every erg of energy to pick up your foot and place it into the next step to accomplish what you perceive the need of the hour?

"It is obvious to your mind what I AM about to say. Of course the labor can be light, of course the labor can be joyous - if there is love of God. But what of love of labor? How do you manifest the fullness of the love of that which brings you discomfort, that which makes you tired, creates hunger after a long day's journey? What is it then that would spur you to love that which makes you ready to go home, shut the door behind the world and still yourself till the new day?

"Do you run from the Dharma? Do you run from that which you are called upon to do, or do you run to greet the day with a renewed Spirit, an understanding heart, and a love for Life? "No it isn't easy when you are in the physical octave and there is the gravitational pull and weight on your person. And yes, there are times when it is more difficult to pick up the foot and place it before you. But where of the joy and the love for the Opportunity?

"Many do not understand that in their daily work, in their daily labors, is the Opportunity to learn. There is no labor that does not give you a new perspective of how to master the God Qualities you desire to have become a full and complete part of every aspect of your life. The labor does not have to be a drudgery when one looks at this as an Opportunity to hone and to finely tune all of the skills of the Spirit into the matter plane.

"Many who have had many embodiments of leisure did not accomplish as much in those embodiments spiritually as they have in those where they have had to toil the fields, cut the wood, plow the fertile grounds. For in plowing the fertile grounds, the fertile Christ Consciousness was able to move into Action. As the muscles were flexed, there was not the putting off for another day to receive the Enlightenment of the Christ. Many times in the fatigue of the physical body, it is the Opportunity for your Christ Self to move into Action when you take the rest that the physical body so needs, and you sit in contemplation, in meditation. First you think it is to rest the body, and before you know it, you have engaged in a more complete Rejuvenation in the Light of your God Presence.

"Your Holy Christ Self would come into Action in all of the activities of your life to bring greater Joy and greater Love into the very smallest of the activities of your life - if you would accept and know that this is so.

"How does knowing accomplish the feat? I tell you, beloved hearts, where the consciousness goes, there is an engaging in a reinforcement of the Light of your God Presence. When that engagement is guided by the Christ Mind, there is the fulfillment of Love in all aspects of your life. When you place your attention fully and completely throughout your day on the Light of your God Presence, it is a complete and automatic invitation for the Release of that Light through your activities - to guide them, to guard them, to make the footstep lighter, to allow you to return home at the end of the day - not simply wanting to shut out the world - but wanting to run to give gratitude at the altar, to have the meditations on the Spirit uninterrupted by worldly activities, for the renewing of your Spirit and your Light.

"'These seem to be so practical' you say. 'Why, Maitreya, would you come and discourse on this matter?' "Because, beloved ones, how much of your day is given to worldly activities? How much of your time and energy do you devote to preparing for all that is necessary to maintain the physical? And how much time do you spend in contemplation on God?

"So if there is the necessity of the spending of so much time in the physical activities of the Earth, why not bring God into that activity? Why not lower into the physical plane all Aspects of the Light of God, bring Joy into the Earth, bring Joy and Love into your labor? "This is what is meant by 'Heaven on Earth'. It is not going to be some pristine cycle and time that an Ascended Master will wave a wand and suddenly the Earth will change. Your lifestyles, your habits, your surroundings will change, beloved ones, as you are able to bring the Manifestation of your God Presence into the physical octave.

"There have been devotees of the Light for many aeons who have tried all manner of approaches to the integration of Light on Terra. There have been those who have gone off to the caves in the mountains, have sat for many, many hundreds of years barely sustaining the physical body, but holding fast to the Spiritual Planes. What did they accomplish? Do you know?

"There was a certain balance held for the planet. There was a certain Release of Light relative to their activities - and it was necessary. "But has it brought the solutions to hunger? Has it brought the solutions to war? Has it brought the need of the hour to the striving families who feel very pulled apart by all of the demands upon everyone's attention? This is not simply something that is isolated to any one country or one people. This is a planetary problem, beloved hearts, and it is necessary for the very practical application of the Law to be understood.

"Labor is an Opportunity, not a hindrance. Right now today on the planet, most individuals have greater amounts of time available to them to place their attention on God than ever before since the past Golden Ages. This is due to the release of many of the technologies into the physical by the Ascended Master Octave for just that purpose: so that the students of the Light would have more of the time necessary to prepare in the Spiritual Work toward the Ascension. "However there are those who have not used that time wisely and have squandered that time. There are those who have not known when to stop the work of the world and do the Work of God. And there are those who have gotten so caught up in the work of the world, they have forgotten God completely and their work has been all-encompassing in their lives - and they wonder: 'Where is the Comfort Flame of the Holy Spirit? Where is the love of wife, of family, of home, of country? It's all so dim and in the far past.'

"And yet, beloved ones, it hasn't gone anywhere. It is all right there within the grasp. But that individual has chosen to ignore it - in the 'ignore-ance' of the Law. "Do you see how subtle it could be? There may be those of you who have found yourself so caught up in a particular cycle of labor that you have forgotten to give the attention necessary in that day to God. "As you are able to place your attention on God, the labor takes on a whole new perspective and you are able to engage in those times of work and toil with the renewed Spirit that lifts it up and it is no longer the secular labor - but becomes your Sacred Labor, for it is imbued with the Light of your heart - touching every aspect of your activity.

"You will find then, that those who you interact with, even if they do not know of your spiritual beliefs - and why should they; this is not the cycle and time. You are there to perform a work. You perform your work graciously, joyously, efficiently. And at the end of the day you leave with a glow on your face, and your co-workers say: 'How can this be? Why are they so joyous?' And you come again the next day and you enter the work place, and there is still that Joy on your face and in your step, and it remains to the end of the day - and on and on, day in and day out. What a mystery to the co-worker. 'How do I achieve this?' they say.

"When they ask, you may tell. For they will be ready to receive, and they will have seen the example of the Law. Setting the example as the true Initiate on the Path is the greatest Work that you can do.

“If you cannot be the example, do not teach the words - for they are hollow and without meaning. If you cannot imbue the Teaching with the Love of God from your own devotion to God - do not expound. For without the Love of God, again, the Teaching is empty.

“There are those who will become teachers of the world - of this Instruction. How will you teach it if you have not manifested Joy and Love in your labor. When each task you are called upon to do brings a fulfillment, and even if it seems to be menial, can you not hold in the vision of your third eye the Light of the Christ as you move forward? Can you not hold the Immaculate Concept for some calling that you desire to aspire to - in your third eye?

“This is not wishful thinking. This is transforming your life, your surroundings, your home, your relationships. This is how you practically apply the Law. You do not simply place your attention on it one day a week, or one hour of the day - but twenty-four hours a day every single day of every single year.

“There is always looming in the forefront, behind, at the top and the bottom of your consciousness - somewhere the thought: 'my Mighty I AM Presence', 'my Holy Christ Self', 'the Light of God', 'I love God', 'I love God in Life'. And as you extend that love, you will find the transmutation of all that has weighted the shoulders, all that has been the burden that you have carried. There will be a new sense of Joy, and you will find that you will no longer try to hold on to all that the world has to offer. For you have seen the Light of God, and you understand that the true Dharma is the love of God in Life - in all its aspects. When you manifest the specific talents that you have in the outpouring of the Love of God, you will be fulfilling your Mission. And your Mission having been completed will be the Opportunity to move on to Higher Realms of Service, and be Victorious in the Ascension.

“The Mission, as so depicted by so many stories that you have read and seen, will always be there until completed. It will not let go of you. You may try all manner of other works, but in some lifetime you will have to complete that Mission. Why not fill that Mission with Love? Why not have it be the Joy of giving of the Love of God?

“If you do not know where to begin, start with the first step - of every day setting aside a specific time where you are uninterrupted, where you have the quiet and the moment to receive the Light of God. It need not be elaborate. It need not be formal. But there must be silence. As you progress in this activity of preparing for the silence, you will be shown greater and greater Opportunities to have that Light fill all of your life.

“Do not keep it in a special place for only certain times when you feel that you must have reinforcement. Do not propose that it is only on a holiday or special occasions that you should be in devotion to God. If you are to manifest the fullness of Love in your world, it must be the foundation of your world.

“The Light of the Christ shines forth through you far more than you are aware. Do not hide it. Do not keep it locked up - but allow it to flow into all that you do, and you will be those Christed Ones that the planet is so hungry to receive. For you will have the True Message. You will have the True Light that will Light the world.

“Go in Peace, and go in the Labor of Love for God. Beloved Maitreya through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, January 3, 1999, Chelsea, Vermont U.S.A. 6 Copyright © Acropolis Sophia Books and Works® click here to order

“ . . . To begin again - to begin anew countless times - is better by far than to be 'blown off course', or to follow the whims of those blind leaders of the blind who refuse to hearken to the voice of conscience or to listen to the Voice of God! Truly, the laborers are few, and the harvest is plenteous. The time of threshing, the time of purging and of purification in this Golden Age is at the very door! Love, however, not fear, should be the welcome to draw men to the Harvest Festival with rejoicing. The cultivation of Joy in contemplation of Divine Possibilities, which are the blessed Hopes of Heaven, is a wise way of expanding the Light Activities of our dear chelas who understand the hourly need to bring the practicality of a mystical Christianity into daily action before men that they may see the good works of the children of Light, and desire to be like them! . . .

“ Beloved Maitreya through the Messenger, Mark Prophet, 1960, U.S.A. 4

“The beloved Sanat Kumara asked Me to speak to you. I come to give you an understanding of the I AM Consciousness, the soul and the personality. I do this with the hope that you will grasp the differentiation among these three consciousnesses, so you may more quickly come to the awareness of that I AM Presence of which you have heard so much and which you are to embody for Our sake, as well as for the sake of all mankind.

“Beloved ones, visualize your mental bodies as lovely crystal cups offered to Me. See if you can hold your minds concentrated upon the pattern as I present it to you. Do this in love for Me.

“When first you were breathed from out of the Bosom of your God Parents, you came to an awareness and a realization of individual identity. You felt and thought 'I AM'. You found yourselves as Self-Conscious Beings and in every fiber and cell of your Electronic Presence you realized 'I AM Being'. As you lived in that innocence, sharing the I AM Consciousness of your God Parents, you knew that Primal Life was yours to use as you chose. You were Holy Innocents and Primal Life - exquisite, iridescent - became your possession, flowing into the Immortal Flame in your hearts.

“In this innocence you abided, and out of Primal Life you began to create according to that which you saw around you. You lived in a realm close to the Bosom of the Eternal, where there were no forms that were not exquisitely Beautiful - every Angel was shining in magnificence, every Master radiated the Dignity of a Christ. This consciousness of individual thought began to reproduce what it saw and you began to duplicate the Beauty which was around you. Timidly, at first, you created tiny cherubic forms and small temples. Then your feelings, enjoying Individualization and Power of Self-Conscious Creation, filled those tiny forms and they began to flow out from you into your aura and into the sphere in which you dwelt. You experienced the joy of individual creation, choosing through free-will what you would design.

“All through the Inner Spheres you passed, carried in the Train of one of the great Manus of some Root Race. Where you abided, you watched the magnificent Brothers and Sisters in those Realms who had developed far beyond your power to create, building stars and galaxies and moving the cosmos. You, in your own small way, using thought, would create thought patterns - and using feeling, would energize and then project these little forms.

“Thus you grew stronger, getting more mastery, using more of the I AM Consciousness, as you found your thought and feeling centers were obedient to your will. This was the State of Innocence, the 'Garden of Eden' consciousness wherein you were creators. However, here there was no need for discriminate use of your thought and feeling centers, for there was no destructive pattern, there was no form of temptation, there was nothing that could enter your consciousness or that you could externalize that was not beautiful.

“In this Realm of Perfection, many Beings have always abided. They never chose physical embodiment. They developed there, not desiring manifestation in the world of form. Some did choose incarnation on Earth. These were brave spirits who had passed through the Seven Spheres and, wanted to experiment with the use of Life in its fullness, developing greater dexterity by the drawing of the Powers of Creation through the thought and feeling centers into the lower atmospheres where it required more energy to mold substance into forms. Some applied for the opportunity to embody here on Earth. The closer you are to the Heart of God, the more quickly does Light Substance respond to thought and feeling and the easier it is to create. As you pass outward through the Seven Spheres, the vibrations of the Electronic Substance, which is obedient to thought and feeling, becomes slower and it takes more energy and more endeavor to create manifestations of a definite constructive design.

“Therefore, it was the bold and the strong, who descended through the Seven Spheres, developing the powers of conscious thought and feeling and resultant precipitation through freewill. These, then, who chose to embody on Earth, waited with their Manu until the Earth was habitable, to further develop the power of using thought to make a mold, using feeling to vitalize that mold and using the medium of a physical body to lower that mold into physical form. They asked that they might descend into a beautiful and refined Earth body and complete the cycle of externalization by molding Earth's substance into the pattern and form of the Divine Ideas received from God. Thus, the Manu of the First Root Race and its seven sub-races came forth, together with His pupils.

“The Earth was created so beautifully by the Seven Elohim, the Sun of Even Pressure in its center sent forth a Radiation that was visible as a soft glow beneath the grass, the flowers and the sea. The flowers were like flames and there was no decay. At the end of its season of expression, each manifestation just disappeared. Beloved Amaryllis, Virgo and beloved Neptune, Aries and all the Beings of Nature had created such a magnificent Earth, that when mankind first embodied upon it, there was little difference between the Earth (in its pure virgin state) and the beautiful Heavens. As the Builders of Form completed the formation of the Earth, lovely beings, using the I AM Consciousness, took Primal Life and, holding up the cup of their minds to their own Presences, received the Will of God in the form of ideas. Then they were able to mold those ideas into definite patterns and fill them with the feeling of Love. Then, using the flesh body, they externalized them in the physical appearance world by the power of precipitation. They built on Earth even as they had built in Heaven. The first Golden Age manifested the same Temples, the same exquisite Perfection that these beings knew at Inner Levels. There was not one in that Earth cycle who did not complete the course of evolution in perfect Harmony.

“The second cycle was the same. Follow Me closely, for I AM telling you scientific facts which apply to the conditions in which you stand today and it can raise you out of limitation!

“The blessed beings in the third cycle then came forth. In the use of the I AM Consciousness, the natural activity of each day was to tune into the Presence, because the outer self and the I AM Presence were one. Each individual 'tuned into' his own Presence and the Divine Ideas for that day flowed into his mind. So many magnificent Ideas poured forth in one day, that the outer self could not fulfill them all. The outer self chose those Ideas which would be of the greatest blessing to the universe and each day the outer self was about the Father's business. It was very beautiful!

“Then came the human consciousness - that in which you live today and which I AM trying to redeem, transmuting it back into your I AM Self again. Then the Earth offered to accept certain lifestreams who had not attained the development required to progress with their planets and systems. . . .

“ . . . The Earth and her evolutions, being of a more condensed (and therefore slower) vibratory action than the successive systems, offered to take on these 'laggards', hoping by contagion and by the pressure of purity within the Earth's people and their Guardian Spirits, to redeem these 'laggards' quickly. For a hundred years the priests and priestesses in the temples made continuous application for the protection of the consciousness of the masses of Earth's people against contagion through proximity, by which imperfect forms might register within their consciousness.

“Up to this time Earth's people had seen nothing less than Perfection. How did those 'laggards' get into the evolutions of Earth? They came through the pure bodies of women belonging to this perfect, harmonious, innocent evolution, who offered to give them an opportunity for incarnation on the Earth. These women were chosen because of their tremendous spiritual strength, so that the body elemental might have all the assistance possible and the heritage of good and evil in the consciousness of these egos might be mitigated, by the pressures of Light in the consciousness of the mother during the period of gestation and the early Earth life.

“These individuals were born. The parents of these 'laggards' performed one of the greatest sacrifices known in any galaxy, taking into their physical bodies, consciousness and homes, these individuals whose radiation was such that it has drawn the Earth to this present condition today. Now, what happened? Here is the point where you left the I AM Consciousness, beloved ones. After birth, when these egos grew to a certain age, the Holy Christ Self had to release a certain amount of their karma, with opportunity for redemption. However, instead of redeeming it, they yielded to its malign influences and began to create secretly, in thought and in feeling, forms of an impure and distorted nature. These began to spread into the atmosphere, just like a smog over a city and were picked up by the sensitive consciousnesses of the race.

“Previously, these were used for drawing only Beauty from the Presence and externalizing Divine Perfection. While the temptation could have been repelled and the mind not allowed to accept or entertain those thought patterns and feelings, some among the race, in secret, opened their consciousness to those thought patterns and played with their feelings, until finally there began to be externalized imperfections of form.

“Curiosity, rebellion against holding true to the Divine Pattern and the use of thought and feeling in creation of imperfection, began the building of what you call the 'soul'. It is a consciousness apart from the full Purity of God. The first thought a man had that was imperfect and impure, energized by a secret feeling, was a cause and that, sent out into the atmosphere, created an effect. Like a boomerang, the effect came back into the consciousness and made a record. That record was the beginning of an impression. Energy sent out in a certain manner returned to affect the lifestream who had sent it forth and there began to be created a shadow between the I AM Presence and the human consciousness. Endeavoring to contact the Presence, the individual would find these 'tramp' thoughts and feelings flowing through that line of contact until more and more imperfect was the conscious use of them. Finally, those centers got completely away from the control of the ego and acted independently. Anything the individual saw, registered on the mind, was energized by feelings, and manifested. Acting independently of the I AM Presence, thought and feeling created most of the conditions in which you are functioning today.

“Through the ages, blessed children, the creation of thought forms and the energizing of those forms by feeling, as well as the action that follows through the flesh, has built an etheric consciousness. The 'soul' is the accumulated consciousness resulting from your experimental use of life, action and reaction. The tendencies, habits and nature of your 'soul' are determined by the ways in which you have used life through the centuries and what life has returned to you, age after age.

“Your 'soul' endures in embodiment and between embodiment. Your 'soul' will continue to live until it is transmuted by the Flame in your heart and there is no longer this shadow self that thinks and feels apart from the Christ. Your 'soul' lives through every personality (embodiment) that you use. Today you have a name, you were born into a family, you live - if fortunate - approximately threescore and ten years and then you 'pass away' as a personality. That personality is no more, but the 'soul' of you, in the etheric garment, influences each personality which you become in each succeeding incarnation. If you were to look at an unbroken stream of one hundred of your Earth lives, you would find that the 'soul' was more or less the same through each personality.

“Now we have to undo the effect of millions and millions of these embodiments, in the matter of a few short years! We are endeavoring to teach you to enter, again, into the Authority of your own I AM Consciousness, drawing Primal Life and getting directions from your Presence. You must learn to silence the cravings of your lower bodies, the etheric rumblings, the human tendencies. Then, in the mastery and control of your own life, you must begin to build anew, as your God Self would have you do, until there are not two - the 'soul' and God - BUT GOD ALONE. Thus, are you reinstated as the I AM Consciousness, Master of thought, feeling and action, absolutely non-recordant to the impressions of the human selves of others, - these vicious conditions of the etheric bodies which manifest as disease of flesh and distress of affairs.

“Beloved ones, contagion caused the fall of this Earth. Contagion of doubts, fears, impurity, lust, depression, is a force which you must diligently prevent, if you intend to be Master by the Power of your Godhead. You are in a constant sea of moving energy, besides your own accumulation of the 'soul'. Every paper you read, every piece of music you hear, every picture you look upon that registers in the mind and which the feeling animates, adds to the accumulation of your limitations, your financial lack, your needs. Do you know that even racial characteristics are just a matter of contagion and acceptance? I have seen lifestreams completely remove all racial imperfections in an unascended body in one embodiment. Can it be done? It has been done! IT MUST BE DONE by those who are the teachers of the race.

“What is the greatest avenue of teaching? EXAMPLE! You are the Guardians who offered to protect those who 'fell from grace'. Not only did they 'fall' - but you have gone after them! Therefore, it is to you we come first with this explanation. It is not enough to enjoy it - Oh, I implore you with all the Love of My Heart to do something about it! The simple sincere call for the purifying of your 'soul' - oh, that does more than you can know. As those mighty Currents of Purifying Energy surge through the etheric body, in answer to your call, I tell you blessed ones, I have watched the benefits to your 'soul'. The 'souls' of men are weighted down with all manner of human distresses.

“Now it is your 'souls' to which I speak! The I AM of you is happy, the I AM of you is God-free, the I AM of you has never known limitations. I AM THE SERVANT OF THE 'SOUL' OF YOU, - that part of you which seeks redemption, that consciousness which is the thinking, feeling self of you and I shall not let you go until that 'soul' is white as snow, - until the hour comes when, in great relief, you can say 'The Father and I are One!' It will come! IT MUST COME, for Love - the greatest Activity in the universe - cannot be denied! I embody Love and I AM One with the Christ of you.

“Speaking now through the 'soul's' self asking for release, asking for authority, asking for Redemption, asking for Freedom, I AM the CHRIST in you come again! 'I AM' THE CHRIST COME AGAIN! ALL THE EARTH HEAR ME TONIGHT! I AM - TONIGHT - THE CHRIST - COME AGAIN!

“The 'Second Coming' is not a mystery. It is the re-instatement of your GODHOOD upon Its Throne of Authority, accepting the reins of your thought and feeling and again moving as the majestic, embodied God, which you really are - that 'I AM' - and THAT you shall become! Thank you, My children.

Beloved Maitreya through the Messenger, Geraldine Innocente, September 27, 1954, U.S.A. 3 " . . . All mankind has been taught for centuries to look to something else outside for help, when the Power beating their Hearts is Infinite, All-powerful, and is the Perfection of health; is the Perfection of all achievement, no matter what the requirement. Therefore, live in that Power of your Life. . . ,"

" . . . Feel It deeply! Be It! Be the Glory of God, your Mighty I AM Presence in full Command, full Dominion, full Power and Action. . . . " Beloved Lord Maitreya through the Messenger, Guy Warren Ballard, October 8, 1937, New York, New York U.S.A. 9

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Love Of God

The Labor of Love Im back. First let me say that this post a translation if you will by Beloved Maitreya through Carolyn Shearer of the Temple of the Presence. It is very clear and very powerful. It is a powerful thrust for me to start posting again. For I am not concerned anymore with Google Ads, Google money, or getting rich thru writing a wonderful book about The Presence.

I Am concerned now with two things, 1) Doing God's Work my mission, 2) Making Progress toward my own Ascension

So here is the post, I let you know that after 8 months, I Am writing daily again. I won't say everyday. But I do have momentum for it is regular, and powerful teachings are coming thru, as I take to time listen and be in bed by Midnight, which is a challenge for me. LOL

This lesson pretty much sums up my life and experience from metaphysics, Islam, Unity Teaching, Tibetan Buddhism to Quan Yin and now Violet Flame- Ascended Master Teachings Love yall, Enjoy the teachings Atiba


"The love of God is truly the love of Life. The love of Life is truly the extension of your striving as the true Initiate on the Path. Beloved, I - Maitreya, have known the trials and the tribulations of the day to day activities that you find yourself engaged in. I have known the concerns of your heart - of how you will hold fast to the Law and yet accomplish all that you are called upon to fulfill, all of the daily labors.

"Let us speak of the love of labor, not simply the work that one may do to supply the needs of their families, of their self, but of the striving on the Path. Is it a drudgery? Does it take every erg of energy to pick up your foot and place it into the next step to accomplish what you perceive the need of the hour?

"It is obvious to your mind what I AM about to say. Of course the labor can be light, of course the labor can be joyous - if there is love of God. But what of love of labor? How do you manifest the fullness of the love of that which brings you discomfort, that which makes you tired, creates hunger after a long day's journey? What is it then that would spur you to love that which makes you ready to go home, shut the door behind the world and still yourself till the new day?

"Do you run from the Dharma? Do you run from that which you are called upon to do, or do you run to greet the day with a renewed Spirit, an understanding heart, and a love for Life?

"No it isn't easy when you are in the physical octave and there is the gravitational pull and weight on your person. And yes, there are times when it is more difficult to pick up the foot and place it before you. But where of the joy and the love for the Opportunity?

"Many do not understand that in their daily work, in their daily labors, is the Opportunity to learn. There is no labor that does not give you a new perspective of how to master the God Qualities you desire to have become a full and complete part of every aspect of your life. The labor does not have to be a drudgery when one looks at this as an Opportunity to hone and to finely tune all of the skills of the Spirit into the matter plane.

"Many who have had many embodiments of leisure did not accomplish as much in those embodiments spiritually as they have in those where they have had to toil the fields, cut the wood, plow the fertile grounds. For in plowing the fertile grounds, the fertile Christ Consciousness was able to move into Action. As the muscles were flexed, there was not the putting off for another day to receive the Enlightenment of the Christ. Many times in the fatigue of the physical body, it is the Opportunity for your Christ Self to move into Action when you take the rest that the physical body so needs, and you sit in contemplation, in meditation. First you think it is to rest the body, and before you know it, you have engaged in a more complete Rejuvenation in the Light of your God Presence.

"Your Holy Christ Self would come into Action in all of the activities of your life to bring greater Joy and greater Love into the very smallest of the activities of your life - if you would accept and know that this is so.

"How does knowing accomplish the feat? I tell you, beloved hearts, where the consciousness goes, there is an engaging in a reinforcement of the Light of your God Presence. When that engagement is guided by the Christ Mind, there is the fulfillment of Love in all aspects of your life. When you place your attention fully and completely throughout your day on the Light of your God Presence, it is a complete and automatic invitation for the Release of that Light through your activities - to guide them, to guard them, to make the footstep lighter, to allow you to return home at the end of the day - not simply wanting to shut out the world - but wanting to run to give gratitude at the altar, to have the meditations on the Spirit uninterrupted by worldly activities, for the renewing of your Spirit and your Light.

"'These seem to be so practical' you say. 'Why, Maitreya, would you come and discourse on this matter?' "Because, beloved ones, how much of your day is given to worldly activities? How much of your time and energy do you devote to preparing for all that is necessary to maintain the physical? And how much time do you spend in contemplation on God?

"So if there is the necessity of the spending of so much time in the physical activities of the Earth, why not bring God into that activity? Why not lower into the physical plane all Aspects of the Light of God, bring Joy into the Earth, bring Joy and Love into your labor?

"This is what is meant by 'Heaven on Earth'. It is not going to be some pristine cycle and time that an Ascended Master will wave a wand and suddenly the Earth will change. Your lifestyles, your habits, your surroundings will change, beloved ones, as you are able to bring the Manifestation of your God Presence into the physical octave.

"There have been devotees of the Light for many aeons who have tried all manner of approaches to the integration of Light on Terra. There have been those who have gone off to the caves in the mountains, have sat for many, many hundreds of years barely sustaining the physical body, but holding fast to the Spiritual Planes. What did they accomplish? Do you know?

"There was a certain balance held for the planet. There was a certain Release of Light relative to their activities - and it was necessary. "But has it brought the solutions to hunger? Has it brought the solutions to war? Has it brought the need of the hour to the striving families who feel very pulled apart by all of the demands upon everyone's attention? This is not simply something that is isolated to any one country or one people. This is a planetary problem, beloved hearts, and it is necessary for the very practical application of the Law to be understood.

"Labor is an Opportunity, not a hindrance. Right now today on the planet, most individuals have greater amounts of time available to them to place their attention on God than ever before since the past Golden Ages. This is due to the release of many of the technologies into the physical by the Ascended Master Octave for just that purpose: so that the students of the Light would have more of the time necessary to prepare in the Spiritual Work toward the Ascension.

"However there are those who have not used that time wisely and have squandered that time. There are those who have not known when to stop the work of the world and do the Work of God. And there are those who have gotten so caught up in the work of the world, they have forgotten God completely and their work has been all-encompassing in their lives - and they wonder: 'Where is the Comfort Flame of the Holy Spirit? Where is the love of wife, of family, of home, of country? It's all so dim and in the far past.'

"And yet, beloved ones, it hasn't gone anywhere. It is all right there within the grasp. But that individual has chosen to ignore it - in the 'ignore-ance' of the Law. "Do you see how subtle it could be? There may be those of you who have found yourself so caught up in a particular cycle of labor that you have forgotten to give the attention necessary in that day to God.

"As you are able to place your attention on God, the labor takes on a whole new perspective and you are able to engage in those times of work and toil with the renewed Spirit that lifts it up and it is no longer the secular labor - but becomes your Sacred Labor, for it is imbued with the Light of your heart - touching every aspect of your activity.

"You will find then, that those who you interact with, even if they do not know of your spiritual beliefs - and why should they; this is not the cycle and time. You are there to perform a work. You perform your work graciously, joyously, efficiently. And at the end of the day you leave with a glow on your face, and your co-workers say: 'How can this be? Why are they so joyous?' And you come again the next day and you enter the work place, and there is still that Joy on your face and in your step, and it remains to the end of the day - and on and on, day in and day out. What a mystery to the co-worker. 'How do I achieve this?' they say.

"When they ask, you may tell. For they will be ready to receive, and they will have seen the example of the Law. Setting the example as the true Initiate on the Path is the greatest Work that you can do. "If you cannot be the example, do not teach the words - for they are hollow and without meaning. If you cannot imbue the Teaching with the Love of God from your own devotion to God - do not expound. For without the Love of God, again, the Teaching is empty.

"There are those who will become teachers of the world - of this Instruction. How will you teach it if you have not manifested Joy and Love in your labor. When each task you are called upon to do brings a fulfillment, and even if it seems to be menial, can you not hold in the vision of your third eye the Light of the Christ as you move forward? Can you not hold the Immaculate Concept for some calling that you desire to aspire to - in your third eye?

"This is not wishful thinking. This is transforming your life, your surroundings, your home, your relationships. This is how you practically apply the Law. You do not simply place your attention on it one day a week, or one hour of the day - but twenty-four hours a day every single day of every single year.

"There is always looming in the forefront, behind, at the top and the bottom of your consciousness - somewhere the thought: 'my Mighty I AM Presence', 'my Holy Christ Self', 'the Light of God', 'I love God', 'I love God in Life'. And as you extend that love, you will find the transmutation of all that has weighted the shoulders, all that has been the burden that you have carried. There will be a new sense of Joy, and you will find that you will no longer try to hold on to all that the world has to offer.

For you have seen the Light of God, and you understand that the true Dharma is the love of God in Life - in all its aspects. When you manifest the specific talents that you have in the outpouring of the Love of God, you will be fulfilling your Mission. And your Mission having been completed will be the Opportunity to move on to Higher Realms of Service, and be Victorious in the Ascension.

"The Mission, as so depicted by so many stories that you have read and seen, will always be there until completed. It will not let go of you. You may try all manner of other works, but in some lifetime you will have to complete that Mission. Why not fill that Mission with Love? Why not have it be the Joy of giving of the Love of God?

"If you do not know where to begin, start with the first step - of every day setting aside a specific time where you are uninterrupted, where you have the quiet and the moment to receive the Light of God. It need not be elaborate. It need not be formal. But there must be silence. As you progress in this activity of preparing for the silence, you will be shown greater and greater Opportunities to have that Light fill all of your life.

"Do not keep it in a special place for only certain times when you feel that you must have reinforcement. Do not propose that it is only on a holiday or special occasions that you should be in devotion to God. If you are to manifest the fullness of Love in your world, it must be the foundation of your world.

"The Light of the Christ shines forth through you far more than you are aware. Do not hide it. Do not keep it locked up - but allow it to flow into all that you do, and you will be those Christed Ones that the planet is so hungry to receive. For you will have the True Message. You will have the True Light that will Light the world. "Go in Peace, and go in the Labor of Love for God.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Discourse XVII, Remove Doubt

Discourse 17

Invocation: Thou Might Infinite Presence, All Pervading Intelligence, All Pervading Substance of Light, Thou Mighty Presence, Thou Ascended Jesus Christ now manifest to his mighty radiance!

We give praise and thanks to the Light, unto the Almighty brother! We give praise and to the central Sun to the one from whose whose ray we received today.

Out of the fullness of that radiant life, oh God, we bow in adoration before that Mighty Presence.

I bring you greetings from the great Master or God Meru, whose messenger is Nada.

The Discourse

When the students are strong enough to bear it we will bring forth and descriptive expression one of the most stupendous expressions of the right use am wrong use of this mighty “I Am Presence”. This action experience took place and what is now the Andes Mountains in South America at a remote. When the children of God first began to forget their source, and to claim the mighty energy of which they were aware as their own. Only two that authority could such an experience take place.

Students and mankind have but a small conception, even in the distress they have created for themselves, of how mighty this force was used at one time for selfish purposes. A similar condition has never been known before. They're still remains today the subterranean city which will be described and in which this activity to place.

All that the children of God could awaken to the stupendous activities that the powers of Light used for the good of humanity when they attention is sincerely focus on that night.

It that many students of the various angles of truth on the Earth today could put away the endless of the out of mind and believe in the seeming miracles all down the ages, how it would break the shell of the out of self and that in the Light. The faith to believe in the things not seen is one of the greatest means to open the door to the conscious activity of the Light of the I Am presence.

As you use the automobile and explaining to cover distance quickly, so does the great “I Am Presence” use the body. The body represents the airplane, and the mind as the mighty motor to which the “I Am Presence” propels it.

Students, I am sure, have not understood how subtle informed doubt takes at times. Where there is questioning in the mind, knowingly or unknowingly, concerning the All Power of the “I Am Presence”, it is a subtle form of doubt. Those who want or attempt to argue the question the reality of the great truth of life, whether they believe it or not admitting doubt into their lives.

In this day, no sincere, reasoning mind, was turning its attention and keeping it firmly fixed on the “I Am Presence”, can argue, doubt, or question the omnipotence of that “I Am Presence”. This scarely recognizable form of doubt that lets into the mind argument concerning the source of this being is but a lack of strength to stand up against the law of resistance -- by which growth in the outer can be measured

There's a vast difference between sincere questioning to know the truth and the human propensity to argue against a very reality they want to believe. We always welcome most earnestly, sincere questioning for truth but we will have nothing to do with that nature whose dominating propensity is to argue against the reality of truth. The more the argument of truth is admitted into the life of an individual, the greater the barrier that one sets up to surmount before the distant day when the dust amount it.

The student's who criticize, condemn, or sit in judgment upon this channel of the truths expression will surely find themselves standing upon the edge of a precipice in which they may plunge at any time -- for no reason in the world except their own creation.

I wish all to understand: this radius of the Light has been established for a certain definite purpose; and it will go for doing his work regardless of any personality, or of all personalities in existence. I say this plainly, that the students of this radiation may understand they are dealing with mighty forces which are as real as reality can be; and those who cannot stand the test and radius of the Light need never, never blame anyone but themselves; for they have free will and are given the use of the mighty “I Am Presence” by which they can maintain absolute self-control

I must put plainly before them again: the sure way that they run into deep waters of doubt and questioning is when they are foolish enough to attempt to discuss the sacred truth which is being given to them for their own liberation and useful those who know nothing about it.

This much I'm may say to you: in the past, students who were taken into the retreats for instruction were never permitted nor do they ever think of discussing the truth with each other. They silently, earnestly apply the instruction of their teacher and the results they desire a certain to follow.

Better were the students stoned in the streets than to condemn, criticize, or just the Light that is given them; for if they were enter into the “I Am Presence” as directed, every question, every problem in their lives will disappear as the midst before the radiance of the morning Light

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Does the Scarf Cover Your Eyes by Atiba Taylor

I wrote this last night, the poem speaks for me and itself.

Does the Scarf Cover Your Eyes?

Does the sea sleep somberly or rise and wail at the moon
Because it waxes when it does?

Does the lion cub now full grown, lash at its mother
When she learns, now it must chase down its own hunger?

Maybe Father Time wrestles gladly with the Sands of time
And wins one day only to find the sands dance merrily from his grasp

Does all the gold and silver of the world wink mischievously at the lost wealth of
Some great phoenix risen from the dead, or does it stay in the cave to slay the fallen dragon?

If I give you 22 years could you give me 4 years back?
Or maybe I could give you 7 years and at my death you would owe me five.

Maybe resentment and obligation fight in the doorway,
While someone cries as laughter falls asleep

If I could heal all the wounds of Tomorrow’s life
Would the grand musician slap me for taking her job?

Maybe Unforgiveness is a lady dressed in Red
And her sister Forgiveness is burnt in a Violet Flame with a scarf that covers her eyes

Could Love be some blind mistress I saw wrestling to the ground the wiggling Mr. Judgement?
Or maybe she should let him go because he does his job for those who don’t know
How to put the scarf over their eyes

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Message from Beloved Kwan Yin

" . . . Beloved ones, this Violet Transmuting Flame is the full Power of God in Action to wipe out the causes and cores of all human mistakes, regardless of how, when, where, why or by whom they were made. Its Light and Flame never fail to act instantly at your call. The only appearance of delay or failure there can ever be anywhere is for the vacillating outer self of the unascended to give up too easily and too soon. Keeping everlastingly at it brings success.
"You know, Light manifests instantly for all of Us! Now, why does Light manifest instantly for Us and seem to require time and patience on your part to await Its manifestation in your worlds? Because, beloved ones, We have become Its Own Purity and Perfection, and in Our Personal Worlds (as well as in Our Realm of Life) there is naught of human shadow to obstruct or delay Its instantaneous manifestations. Do you see? At your earnest calls, Light answers you instantly and goes direct (for It is Intelligent Substance) to the person, place, condition and thing to whom and to which it has been directed in the world of form. . . . "
" . . . Now, this Violet Transmuting Flame consciously called into action does actually dissolve (like water dissolves salt) those unfortunate condensations of distorted form created by the "human" but, again, the speed and intensity of Its Action depends largely upon the feelings of earnest sincerity, faith and loving gratitude in the consciousness of the one calling it forth. Then, too, since the Violet Fire is actually God's Memory of Perfection, It does more than just dissolve those forms. It actually sublimates (refines by Fire) and then transmutes into the pure Light Essence from whence it first came forth all that shadowed energy, returning it to the Sun for repolarization.
"Gentle, yet tremendously Positive, Determined and Persistent is the Nature of God-Patience, which is One of the many Virtues contained within the Flame of Mercy from on High. For centuries before My Ascension, I so dearly loved and developed the Virtue of Mercy until I became the Embodiment of that Quality Myself. Within Mercy are also Faith (knowing the inevitability of Perfection made manifest); Hope (holding to the Immaculate Concept until it appears); and Charity (that love which will never let go of the loved one or the needs thereof until eternal Perfection manifests all ways). . . . "
" . . . As heart friends and true companions of the Ascended Host on earth, should not all our beloved chelas endeavor now practically and daily to express the most loving patience with those human appearances as yet not transmuted in and around themselves and each other? I can help you to do this if you want My help! Call directly to Me whenever those human feelings would express through you and ask me to give you my feelings of loving, patient mercy toward them. I will give it to you if you will try to feel it. Then hold the Vision of Divine Mastery for yourself and others until that Mastery does manifest.
"Let us make you a perfect outpouring and outpicturing of Our Gentle Patience with all Life. We are never any farther away from you than your own heartbeat and We answer your every call. Believe that, for it is true! . . . "
Beloved Kwan Yin
through the Messenger, Mark Prophet, 1959, U.S.A. 4

"For many years, I have been known as the Spirit of the Flame of Mercy and Compassion. I would like to speak to you about that Flame of Mercy, because Its presence is so important in the feeling world of those who desire to heal. No permanent healing of mind and body can come, just through effort of human will, beloved ones! Your feeling world is composed of far more than half of your Life energy, and the quality flowing through your feelings is the "conductor" through which flows that qualified Healing Essence into the world of the one whom you wish to benefit. Blessed ones, your feeling world is the bridge over which flows the gathered Healing Elixir of qualified Life, entering into the mind of the patient to dispel shadows, entering into his feelings to dispel depression, entering into his flesh to resurrect it and bring it new Life.
"Through the ages, there have been individuals who have practiced the art of manifesting Healing Power and who have developed a tremendous capacity for holding a mental concept which is comparatively free of imperfection. This has developed into a science by which that concept, through a trained and powerful practitioner, can be injected into the consciousness of the patient and accepted by effort of human will.
"However, almost without exception, you will find that when the individual who is rendering the service is removed from the Earth in so-called 'death', the condition will either recur in the patient in that embodiment, or remain to be transmuted into Light in a succeeding Earth life. You see, through the ages, there have been recorded upon the etheric body many, many effects set up by causes of imperfection in thought and feeling. These outpicture later on the screen of life as diseases of mind and body. By effort of will, they are often pressed or forced back again into the etheric garment, but not transmuted into Light at inner levels. Therefore, you have no sustained and permanent purification of the lifestream.
"Those healers who render a service of a permanent nature (like unto that of your Master Jesus, whom we honor in this Holy Week), use their feeling worlds as the "conductor" through which the Flame of Mercy and Compassion flows. Jesus embodied that authority in His oft-repeated statement, 'Thy sins be forgiven thee;' also, 'Take up thy bed and walk.' 7
"Now, these Flames of Mercy and Compassion stir within the breasts of many men and women as a vocation, although not all of them are necessarily spiritual healers. Many of these people act in the medical profession and minister in other ways to the minds as well as the bodies of the people. When we see these feelings stir in any individual, we know that we have a new candidate for our Cosmic Temples of Mercy, new students who are ready to be enrolled among the Brothers and Sisters of Compassion. We raise them to the point where their feelings become master of the energies which they contact.
"I would like to bring this to your attention today, because compassion is a positive quality. Sympathy is a negative quality. These two qualities are exact opposites. Sympathy, your Master Saint Germain has told you, is agreement with imperfection. What does He mean? He means that your Life Force, flowing through the silver cord from your Presence, rushing forth uncontrolled and attaching itself to a person in distress, immediately takes on the quality of that distress. Thus, rather than helping such a one, you weigh him down with more of the same quality of this unhappy energy by turning your attention and your sympathy (your qualified energy) toward him. You let the virtue flow out from you without control - you magnify and magnetize the distress.
"Compassion, witnessing the requirement of the moment, does not allow the feelings to leave the Heart Flame with an acceptance of the discordant appearance. It does not accept that there is a power greater than God. Then, in the masterful poise of that God-anchorage, the Healing Powers are drawn and projected to the one in need. All this time, your own Electronic Presence, through your feeling world, is in complete mastery of the condition or circumstance.
"For instance, in the case of an accident, if an individual with sympathy were to look upon a person whose life-blood was ebbing away, the sympathetic individual would probably faint, while the compassionate person would give immediate assistance to the injured one by stopping the flow of blood. It is most important that you understand this. . . . ."
Beloved Kuan Yin
through the Messenger, Geraldine Innocente, Palm Sunday, April 1955, U.S.A.
Perhaps this seems to those who are new to entering into the Path to their Ascension most difficult to maintain. For too long, their outer vehicles have been ruling their life and they have not recognized those areas that must no longer exist and therefore, at every turn, they are catching themselves and wonder at the end of the day, what of them is the Will of God, what of them is worthy? And I, Kwan Yin, would whisper to that one, your Heart Flame, that smile that has conveyed Kindness and Love, that action that you perform for another without being asked, without any expectation of recognition.
"I could go on and on at all of the wonderful things that I could recognize in your day, even though you may not at present, for what is brought to the forefront of your conscious awareness are those grave areas that are a desecration to your God Presence and thus, are required to be dealt with.

Would you fault your Presence for bringing them to your awareness? I should hope not, for as quickly as you recognize these areas of your life that must go into the Flame, you can be about the expanding of all that is good, all that is right, all that is holy within your life. Do not despair but have hope, for you have an I AM Presence that is One with the Allness of God that looks upon all that is good and rewards His faithful Son or Daughter of God in a closer communion. Be at peace in your new found awareness that all is right within the Presence of God no matter what is exhibited to the contrary in the outer vehicles of consciousness among the lifestreams presently in physical incarnation. . . . "
Beloved Kwan Yin
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, August 1, 2010, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. 9

" . . . There are those in the land who do not feel the Love of God. They do not feel the love of their brother and sister. For they have decided that, because of the hurt, because of the distrust, because of the lack of faith, they must seal themselves in a cocoon that is impenetrable - that no force will touch the heart again.
"There are those who talk loudly, and many times those who talk the loudest are the most hurt. And We recognize that it is a part of the process for them to release all that is pent, all that is guarded, all that is denied within their being. If these lifestreams are to feel the Love of God, if they are to feel the honor and the respect that you afford them, there must be a process of healing. There must be a process of wholeness.
"I stand with my arms outreached - reaching into the very crevices of all of the areas where there are pockets of mistrust, hate, pain, anger, and all manner of desecration of the Light of God - righteously and unrighteously held. And I say righteously, beloved ones, for there are those who feel that they have been wronged, and that they have every justification for holding on to that wrong. But I tell you that it is not so. And it is not the way of the Lightbearer. For the Lightbearer must engender Light. There must be the reflection of the Light of your God Presence in all of your activities. And if it is not present, you will find that there are all manner of human conditions that will creep into your conversation, your feeling world, and your actions.
"It is a vigilance that must be guarded, and you must hold fast to the Light. For if you do not, and in an unguarded hour there are times when there is a riptide, or a thoughtform, or all manner of energies that are not your own - they will slip in and pretend to be your own. And before you know it, you will have acquired new thinking, new perceptions. If those thinkings and perceptions are not in accordance with the Heart, are not in alignment with the release of Light within your world, then you must saturate the Violet Flame through each cognized thought, each concept, each erg of energy, transmuting on the instant all that would stand to distort your vision, to distort the Image of Christ in Action.
"The Karmic Board has decided to release a sufficient amount of the Violet Flame, as Mercy's Ray, over all of those Lightbearers upon this planet - all of those who have felt justified in retreating into what they felt was a place of safety, but in reality it is devoid of Life. Yes, beloved ones, where God is absent, there is no Life. And those areas of so-called protection will only bring a later date, a pushing back of the time cycles for that lifestream to come back into the Oneness with their own God Presence.

"As this Violet Flame is released across the planet, It is directed into the thoughtforms of all of the miscreation that each of these precious ones are tied into. It is designed to dissolve, consume, and totally transmute the cause, effect, record, and memory of all that would be present. For I tell you, beloved ones, as long as there are mega-thoughtforms that you reinforce with your negative concepts, you will be tied in to the fullness of the negative outpicturing of the astral plane.
"The Brotherhood has sent forth embodied Messengers to proclaim the Reality of your God Divinity. We did not send forth those crying out in the land of doom and gloom and cataclysm. For beloved hearts, if you are in the Oneness with your God Flame, through the Holy Christ Self and your God Presence, there is no doom and gloom; there is no lack of abundance; there are no scars. For in the fullness of the Light of God, all is well.
"As I sit upon the Karmic Board, I AM called upon to look at the lifestreams on a regular basis who are the forerunners of the Brotherhood's Work upon the planet - and there is a continual review. It is not outside our gaze. We do not wait for a cataclysm to review all of the records. For very clearly, there is a pulse. There is a guidepost that must be maintained. There are those who think that We have not seen - that perhaps We have been too far away to be aware of all the comings and goings, all of the negativity, all of the hurt.
"I would address this from My Office in the Karmic Board. For the true student on the Path of the Ascended Masters must realize that there comes a time when they have to stand in their own Light. This is not a path of training that you lean on your neighbor. This is a Path that is very individual. Coming together in Community in groups allows for the reinforcement. It allows for the reminding of the gentle reminders of the Immaculate Concept for each - but it is none the less an individual Path. And many times you will feel very much alone - separated and apart, as though no one understands what you are going through - until out of the clear blue someone walks up and says: 'Oh I recognize how you feel. Let me tell you a story.' And at the end of that story you realize that there is the Opportunity to move through that circumstance and that Initiation. For yes, someone has walked the same Path.